Progress: Implementation of Correctional Supervision and Parole Board KwaZulu Natal Region ….. Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all Presentation to The Select Committee on Security and Constitutional Affairs 12 September 2007
Introduction M Adams: Masters Medical Science/ Social work 1989-1990 Dept Social Welfare (Field Social Worker) 1990-1997 St. Thomas Children’s Home (Social Worker) 1997-2002 St. Thomas Children’s Home (Principal) 2002-2004: Part time Unisa Supervisor for Social work Students 2002-2003 Association for the Physically Challenged (Fund raiser) 2003-2005 Association for the Physically Challenged (Social Work Manager)
Total Number of CSPB’s in the Region KZN has 8 Correctional Supervision and Parole Boards in seven management areas: Durban – 2 CSPB’s Empangeni Glencoe Kokstad Ncome Pietermaritzburg Waterval
Decision Making Procedures CSPB engages in regular liaisons and consultations with respective CMCs CMC’s forward the comprehensive G326 to CSPB CSPB registers receipt of G326 CSPB Clerk formally checks and verifies documentation and accuracy of calculations, hands over to the secretary for further confirming. On completion, secretary in consultation with the Chairperson/ Vice Chairperson determines the agenda.
Methodology A quorum CSPB sitting is scheduled and all relevant stakeholders informed of sitting including complainant if and when necessary. Complainant is considered upon request, physically or through written submission. Sitting is held at the respective Correctional Centre CSPB is formally introduced to offenders scheduled for the sitting as per agenda. Offender is formally informed of CSPB hearing procedure. Offender is engaged in a direct dialogue focusing on the nature of the offence, impact on the community, family and complainant. The pathway of rehabilitation is also focused upon with the prospect of social re-integration. Offender is considered and informed of the decision taken verbally and through a formal minute procedure.
Challenges Co-operation from SAPS and Justice in providing the following documents : - SAPS 62 - SAPS 69(c) - Sentence remarks timeously. Absence of written and physical inputs from SAPS and Justice at CSPB hearings Lack of clarity in respect of restorative justice concept. Social issues of job opportunities, poverty and societal stigmatisation. Attitude of indifference demonstrated by certain judges and magistrates in the legal fratenity with regard to conversion applications. Inconsistencies by Justice in sentencing offenders.
STEPS TAKEN AND RECOMMENDATION TO ADDRESS CHALLENGES Formally registered at quarterly Magistrates / SAPS forum meetings, with regard to their presence at CSPB hearings. In light of slow progress in this regard Corrections Directive and CSPB registered such concerns to the Portfolio Committee during their visit to the Region. Protocol and procedures are to be clarified however, CMC’s, Social Workers and Spiritual Care Workers are utilized in specific and selected offences currently. Offenders are encouraged to participate in Learnerships and Skills training for prospective employment opportunities. CSPB actively networking with businesses and Farmers’ Association for employment.
LESSONS LEARNT Regular meetings with Area Commissioners, Corrections, Head of Correction Centres, Case Management Committees, Professionals, Provincial Commissioner’s Office, Head office (Pretoria), impacts positively on CSPB processes and the forging of such partnership is critical Networking is also of great value and particularly with NGOs and CBOs and Private Business Sector The formalisation of a strategy and marketing plan clearly defined a goal orientated direction for CSPBs Community involvement is to feature more prominently.
SOCIETAL RESPONSIBILITY CSPB Chairpersons / Vice Chairpersons and Community Members are part of societal structures and obliged to uphold their societal responsibilities.
Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all Thank you Building a caring correctional system that truly belongs to all