By: Justin Hofflinger Andrew Morales Kyle Wachtveitl The Stomper By: Justin Hofflinger Andrew Morales Kyle Wachtveitl
The Objective Our task was to create a device that would stamp anywhere on a 5’’x8’’ piece of paper.
Design Our device starts out with a marble at the top of a platform. From there the marble is shot in to a funnel. It then travels down a pipe and hits into a toy car. The toy car then rolls down a ramp and hits into a mouse trap. When the trap is set up, it releases a string with a weighted stamp at the other end. Since the stamp is hanging in mid-air, when released it falls on to the paper and stamps it.
The Stomper
Energy Conversions Marble - projectile motion, then hits the toy car causing a collision. Toy car – hits the trap causing another collision, the trap has spring potential energy. Stamp – in mid air has potential energy, then once released has kinetic energy causing the paper to get stamped.
Conclusion This project took a lot of time planning and writing out the reports. We spent about 5 hours of work time on “The Stomper”. Materials we used were all found in Estabrook 13, except for our stamp which cost us $2.50. We encountered only one problem when we tried to figure out how to have the string released.