Rocks and The Rock Cycle
What is a Rock? metamorphic igneous and sedimentary a ROCK is a collection of one or more minerals 3 TYPES metamorphic igneous and sedimentary
IGNEOUS 1. Igneous forms when magma or lava cools and hardens and solidifies Examples: granite, basalt, obsidian, pumice
Types of Igneous Rocks Intrusive Igneous – occurs when magma cools beneath Earth’s surface Characteristic: Coarse grained Example: Granite Extrusive Igneous – occurs when lava cools and solidifies at the Earth’s surface Characteristic: Fine grained Example: Obsidian
SEDIMENTARY 2. Sedimentary – forms when sediment is compressed, cemented together and hardened examples: sandstone, shale, conglomerate
How Sedimentary Rock is Formed Pre-existing rock (mountains) Weathering/Erosion (wind, water) Forms Sediment (sand, pebbles, shells) Deposition of sediment occurs (laid down) Compaction and Cementation (squeezed and glued) Sedimentary rock is formed (sandstone, shale)
METAMORPHIC 3 . Metamorphic (change form) – forms when existing rock is changed due to heat and pressure beneath Earth’s surface Can form out of Igneous, Sedimentary, or other Metamorphic Rock Foliated – grains are arranged in parallel lines Non-Foliated – grains are arranged randomly, no lines
The Rock Cycle Rock Cycle - the process by which one type of rock changes into another rock type Has no beginning or end Rock Cycle Song:
The Rock Cycle xp/active_art/rock_cycle/index.html
Brain Pop Types of Rocks: tem/typesofrocks/ Rock Cycle: tem/rockcycle/