India- WRIS A. Data Information, management and dissemination 1. India - Water Resources Information System (India-WRIS) 95 thematic layers with 5-100 years hydro-meteorological data (river network, water bodies, canal network, basin and water shed boundaries, hydro-geomorphological maps, landuse - landcover, town & village extent, etc.) Outcome: Comprehensive GIS based data being made available in public domain for better village/district/state level planning, development & management informed decisions making for flood inundation, drought, project planning etc. 1
1. Setting up of National Water Informatics Centre Need for a centre To provide information through web based India-WRIS on GIS platform ( To develop integrated water resources management systems To take-up research and capacity building in integrated water resources sector 2
To be upscaled for the remaining 18 river basins Pilot studies completed for two (2) river Basins using Space Based Geo-Spatial Data and Field Hydro-Meteorological Data,. To be upscaled for the remaining 18 river basins 28.477 / 35.129 BCM (reassessed) Brahmni-Baitarni 110.54 / 113.09 BCM (reassessed) Godavari 3