Monday, August 20: Specials, 8:05 – go to the computer lab! Copy down the Assignment board MAKE A “NAME TAG” Pick up a Copy of the week’s Spelling/Vocab Words from the front table Find a new seat – choose wisely. if you have things at last week’s spot, get them and place them in your new location. Put your word list in your vocab folder: On the FRONT of the blue folder IN SHARPIE: FIRST LAST NAME CARLILE SPELLING AND VOCABULARY Begin studying THE SPELLING – TEST FRIDAY.
Rw (M): how do readers determine the main idea? Opening: What is the main idea of a passage? Discuss Work Period: In your SCIENCE BOOK – read ch. 1, lesson 1, page 9: “What is matter” What is matter made of?” For EACH SECTION – create a tree map – main idea with THREE supporting details. Closing: Share and compare
Ww(M): how do writers compose sentences that show their readers rather than tell? Opening: What is the difference between showing vs. telling? Work period: How do you show an emotion without saying it.? (model) What are different emotions we feel? Assign a word. Top of the page: write your emotion. Draw AND COLOR that feeling on your paper and write descriptive words around the picture defining your emotion without saying that word. On a notecard: write a MADE UP story OR a story from a moment in your life REGARDING THAT FEELING. Use enough sentences to convey the feeling. Closing: Share
Math (M): how can you use integers to represent the velocity and speed of an object? Heading: Name, number, date, assignment Opening: Vocab: speed, velocity, integers Work period: pg 6, 4-11, 20-22, 28, 30 Closing: Grade
Science (M): What is matter? Matter and its interaction Science (M): What is matter? Opening: What are physical properties? (Anchor Chart) Work Period: Complete reading chapter 1, lesson 1. Answer the questions on page 20. Turn in to the Science tray when finished. Closing: Anchor chart – Measurable vs. Observable (go through)
Tuesday, August 21: Copy down the Assignment board Make a name tag – tape/sharpie by the pencil sharpener Turn in Monday folder to numbered folder in red bin by screened door. Work on your group banner from last week Finished? Study spelling/vocab with a partner – you had BETTER be studying, my Loves.
Rw (T): how do readers determine the main idea? Opening: Share your tree maps from yesterday Work Period: In your SCIENCE BOOK – read ch. 1, lesson 1, page 10- 14: What is a substance? What is a mixture? For EACH SECTION – create a tree map – main idea with THREE supporting details. Finished? Study your vocabulary and spelling words with a partner – TEST FRIDAY! Closing: Share and compare
Ww(T): how do writers compose sentences that show their readers rather than tell? Opening: What is the difference between showing vs. telling? Work period: How do you show an emotion without saying it.? (model) What are different emotions we feel? Assign a word. Top of the page: write your emotion. Draw AND COLOR that feeling on your paper and write descriptive words around the picture defining your emotion without saying that word. On a notecard: write a MADE UP story OR a story from a moment in your life REGARDING THAT FEELING. Use enough sentences to convey the feeling. Closing: Share
Math (W): Is the product of two integers positive, negative, or zero? Opening: page 7 Work period: independent, on notebook paper Pg 12, 14-37 Finished? Read Closing: Grade
Science (T): What are the properties of Matter? Opening: Review properties of matter (use anchor charts/journal) Workshop: Create t-chart: Observable Properties/Measurable Properties Go through properties with materials as whole group. Closing: Which properties do you feel are the most important to a substance? Why?
Wednesday, August 22: Copy down the Assignment board Make your lunch choice (on assignment board) MAKE YOUR NAME TAG!! Work on your group banner from last week Finished? Study for Friday’s test or read silenty. HEAD TO COMPUTER LAB 8:05!!
GET YOUR science JOURNALS (trust me): Clean up from morning work: You need: Journals Pencils Line up at the door by the light switch.
Math (W): how can you use integers to represent the velocity and speed of an object? Heading: Name, number, date, assignment Opening: page 8, lesson 1.2, Activity 4 Work period: independent, on notebook paper pg 10, lesson 1.2, 1-13 Closing: Grade
SS (w): What is geography? Opening: We as geographers … . Are we? Discuss Work period: In SS books: read page 2-9 Main idea/supporting details tree map Closing: Discuss
Rw (W): How do readers determine the main idea? Opening: Share your tree maps from yesterday Work Period: In your SCIENCE BOOK – read ch. 1, lesson 1, page 15- 17: Types of Mixtures Compounds v. Mixtures For EACH SECTION – create a bubble map – main idea with THREE supporting details. Finished? Study your vocabulary and spelling words with a partner – TEST FRIDAY! Closing: Share out
WW (w): How do author’s use DESCRIPTIVE word choice to show not tell? Opening: Work Period: In your groups: Read the book your group has been given. USING POST-ITS, mark places you find the author has shown vs. told – write down what the author is trying to convey. Closing: Share out
Thursday, August 23 Copy down the Assignment board Make a name tag Make your lunch choice (on assignment board) ARE YOU READY FOR THE DAY – pencils sharpened, books where they go, restroom gone, etc? TAKE CARE OF WHAT NEEDS TO BE DONE!!! Finish poster – LAST DAY Work on your spelling and vocabulary – test tomorrow
Magic Read this to yourself. Read it silently. Don’t move your lips. Don’t make a sound. Listen to yourself. Listen without hearing anything. What a wonderfully weird thing, huh? NOW MAKE THIS PART LOUD!!! SCREAM IT IN YOUR MIND!!! DROWN EVERYTHING OUT. Now, hear a whisper. A tiny whisper. Now, read this next line with your best crotchety-old-man voice: “Hello there, sonny. Does your town have a post office?” Awesome!! Who was that? Whose voice was that? It sure wasn’t yours! How do you do that? How?! Must. Be. Magic.
Rw (R): How do readers determine the main idea? Opening: Work Period: From the book you read in WW yesterday: What is the main idea of the story? Give at least 4 supporting details. Closing: Main idea for fiction vs. non-fiction – same strategies?
Ww (r): As a writer, how can you show your reader? Opening: Bubble map: Moment from school Work Period: Write in such a way that SHOWS not TELLS the reader what you are trying to convey. What words should we BAN from our writing (AC)? Close: Share: One sentence of which you are especially proud.
Mw (r): is the quotient of two integers positive, negative, or zero Mw (r): is the quotient of two integers positive, negative, or zero? How can you tell? Opening: page 7 Work period: independent, on notebook paper Pg 12, 14-37 Show your work! Finished? Read Closing: Grade
SS (r): How could we compile geographic data regarding our class? Opening: What data would we – could we – compile? (create) Work period: In SS book: pg 9, Section 1 – complete Closing: grade
Friday, August 24: DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT MAY BE SET OUT IN THE ROOM. Copy down the Assignment board Make your lunch count Check – if your group’s book is on the board, you may have improvements to make on your post-its. Check the ones hung – how are they different than yours? Turn in anything you may have to turn in. On a blank sheet of paper – Heading (name, number, date) Spelling test #1-15 Study – are you ready …?
Friday, August 24: PLACE THIS PAPER IN YOUR LOCKER TO BE USED LATER. DO NOT TOUCH ANYTHING THAT MAY BE SET OUT IN THE ROOM. On a blank sheet of paper – Heading (name, number, date) Spelling test #1-15 PLACE THIS PAPER IN YOUR LOCKER TO BE USED LATER. COMPLETELY CLEAR OFF YOUR TABLE. ALL YOU NEED IS A SHARPENED PENCIL (MAKE SURE IT HAS A USABLE ERASER). Check – if your group’s book is on the board, you may have improvements to make on your post-its. Check the ones hung – how are they different than yours?
Stations, August 24: Station 1: Readers Station 2: Writers From the non-fiction books, choose 1. Read, and determine the MAIN IDEA – create a main idea thinking map on the paper provided. DON’T FORGET TO WRITE THE TITLE OF THE BOOK! Place on the filing cabinet BY THE BLUE BASKET when finished. Station 2: Writers Choose from the pictures on the red poster paper. Choose an emotion that goes with the picture and SHOW it, don’t TELL it. Place in the blue basket on the filing cabinet when finished. Station 3: Math flash cards Practice your math fluency with your group. Another teacher is letting us borrow these – TAKE EXCELLENT CARE OF THESE AND SIGN THE THANK YOU CARD WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED. Station 4: Fluency Choose a readers theater with your group. The FOCUS is to read with attention to punctuation, pronunciation, and emotion. Have fun with this while practicing your fluency. Station 5: Science Choose 1 material and complete a “Properties of matter” chart (as we did Wednesday) in your Science journal. When finished – place journals back in lockers. Station 6: Social Studies Geography – Science or Social Studies? Discuss with your group, tally your answer, and then on a notecard, write your ONE WORD ANSWER on top and a PERSUASIVE explanation below as to why you fall where you do. Place on the filing cabinet BY THE BLUE BASKET when finished.