CEDARS 2018–19 Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Reporting Students receiving LAP funded services must be submitted to both CEDARS Student Attributes and Programs File (I) and Student Growth File (Q) Student Attributes and Programs File (I) collects Program code identifying the LAP services the student is participating in, e.g., ELA or Math Start and exit date of services Exit reason code identifying reason for student exiting program A unique record must be submitted to File I for each occurrence of program participation
CEDARS 2018–19 Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Reporting Students receiving LAP funded services must be submitted to both CEDARS Student Attributes and Programs File (I) and Student Growth File (Q) Student Growth File (Q) collects the following data for all students participating in LAP ELA, Math, Academic Readiness and LAP Behavior Program code identifying the LAP services the student is participating in, e.g., ELA or Math Start and exit date of services Identification, entrance and exit assessment data (scores and dates) Program growth data Extended learning time interventions Interventions during regular school day During the school year, prior to the student being provided final exit assessment and growth being calculated, districts only submit basic information to File Q such as program participation, e.g., LAP Math and the start date of the program. If your district submits only Identification assessment or pre-test data to CEDARS your will receive CEDARS submission errors for File Q. This file is designed to expect complete program information to be submitted at the same time. The errors are ok, but if you wish to not see these in your CEDARS submissions please work with your Student Information System Coordinator and CEDARS Data Admin to ensure the data is being entered in the appropriate areas within your SIS and in a timely manner to avoid these errors.
CEDARS 2018–19 Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Reporting The CEDARS Data Manual provides comprehensive information in both File I and File Q regarding data element descriptors and business requirements for reporting data for students participating in LAP services CEDARS Appendices, Appendix J has a list of assessments, if they are approved for ELA, Math, Readiness or Behavior services and the valid value to submit for each CEDARS Appendix F – Programs File I provides a valid value list for each LAP program, a program description and reporting guidance that supports the business rules for submitting students Learning Assistance Program, LAP Data Reporting pages are an invaluable resource for questions, training materials, LAP Guidance/User Guides, FAQ’s, and a host of other useful and informative materials IMPORTANT NOTE – Your assessment vendor will be your source for recommended conversations to help schools and districts convert assessment scores to academic growth. It is highly recommended that you reach out to your LAP assessment vendors prior to the end of the school year to obtain this conversion information. OSPI has some conversion information on the LAP Data Reporting pages but not a comprehensive list. The ones we have listed are not recommended vendors but are ones that districts have provided to us for informational purposes.
CEDARS 2018–19 Learning Assistance Program (LAP) Reporting Within CEDARS districts can view a list of students submitted as receiving LAP services during the selected school year. CEDARS>Reports>Attributes and Programs>Dynamic Attributes and Programs The user can opt to view data at either the district or school level, select the program they wish to view, Unduplicated or not – I recommend selecting No as this allows the user to see all students submitted. And, last but not least the user can select to either view the data at the summary level by grade and Eth/Race & gender or by student level. I would normally recommend viewing the data at the student level as it allows the user to see all program information including start / end date(s). All students submitted to CEDARS as participating in LAP during the selected school year, regardless of the amount of time served, will be included. We recommend that this report be created periodically throughout the year for review by the LAP program providers/teachers in your district/schools. This allows your district to identify both students who may be missing from the report or those who should not be submitted to be cleaned up during the school year. This will allow for a cleaner more complete student program participation data to be populated to your LAP EOY report.
If you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to contact me at: Lisa Ireland Data / Research Analyst Student Information, OSPI (360-725-6358) Lisa.Ireland@k12.wa.us or AskSI@k12.wa.us Thank you!