Potential and Kinetic Energy


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Presentation transcript:

Potential and Kinetic Energy Chapter 8.3 – 8.6

Energy Something that enables an object to do work Mechanical energy The energy due to the position of something or the movement of something Two types: Potential & Kinetic Energy

Potential Energy Energy that is stored and held in readiness Examples: Has the potential for doing work Examples: Stretch or compress spring Chemical energy in fuel

Potential energy = mgh = mass * gravity acceleration * height

Practice problem: If the biker has a mass of 50 kg and the hill is 100 m high. What is the biker’s potential energy? PE=mgh= 50* 10*100 50,000 J

Practice problem: If you pick up a 100 N boulder 2 meters in the air, how much potential energy does the boulder have? Work against gravity = potential energy W=Fd=PE 100*2= 200 J

Practice Problem: How much potential energy does a 100 N boulder gain if you carry it horizontally across a 10-m room? None, you do not do work on the boulder moved horizontally, because you apply no force to the boulder. Therefore, it does not gain any potential energy.

Kinetic Energy Energy of motion KE = ½mv2 Kinetic energy of a moving object is equal to the work required to bring it to that speed from rest

Practice Problem: If the speed of an object is squared, how does this impact the object’s kinetic energy? KE= ½mv2 It is quadrupled

Law of Conservation of Energy Energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can be transformed from one form into another, but the total amount of energy never changes.

What is the PE of a 10 kg cart at A? What is the KE of a 10 kg cart at A? What is the ME of a 10 kg cart at A?

What is the PE at bottom of hill between A & B? What is the KE at bottom of hill between A & B? What is the ME at bottom of hill between A & B? What is the speed of a 10 kg cart at this spot?

What is the PE at B? What is the KE at B? What is the ME at B?

What is the PE at C? What is the KE at C? What is the ME at C? What is the speed of the cart at C?

How long does it take to travel from point C to D?