Relaxing Stand up and try this Make a tight fist. Make a tight fist. Tense all your arm muscles to your shoulder. Hold your arm rigidly to your side. Squeeze your muscles until they almost tremble. Your arm should be over tensed. Now pantomime holding a tennis racket and serving
Relaxing Can you do it? In order to serve what do you need to do?
Relaxing Of course, you need to relax your muscles first. So, relax
Relaxing How do your relax?
Breathing Exercises Place your fingertips gently halfway between your navel and breastbone, in the small triangular space formed by the lower ribs where your two sets of ribs meet. Gently but firmly inhale so that the air seems to travel all the way down to the area where you have placed your fingers. The area should move outward as you inhale. The gently flatten your back as you exhale. Do this several times feeling the air move down to your fingers.
Breathing Exercises Inhale deeply and see how long you can count on one breath. Speak in a low, clear voice speaking as rapidly as you can while still clearly enunciating the words clearly and distinctly. Make sure you do not take any additional breaths as you move from one word to the next. In counting women should be able to get to the ultimate goal of 45.
Breathing Exercises Inhale deeply, then produce a steady /s/ sound and keep making it as long as possible. Try to make the sound as smooth as possible with no jerkiness or changes in tone.
Breathing Exercises With a series of breaths repeat the word /ha/ several times. Be sure to breathe between each /ha/. Keep your fingers on your abdominal area feeling the steady series of short contractions. Try to make the sound free of breathiness so that /ha/ is clear and free from extra breath.
Breathing Warm Ups These types of breathing exercises serve two main purposes. Firstly, they will help you relax before you do any speech drilling or practice. Secondly, they will help you to increase your lung capacity and gain more control over your breathing. It is therefore important to try to do these regularly and especially before you attempt to do any kind of speaking practice.