Healing A Wounded Spirit To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch the self-running slide show.
Do Not Flee From What Is True To view this presentation, first, turn up your volume and second, launch the self-running slide show.
A Servant of God Never Fears The Truth World values ‘peace’ over reality Choose your own reality and your own god Reality will bring inescapable consequences – Galatians 6:7 Some come out of homes where reality is an enemy
When Speaking of Understanding – Speak of The Ability to See Reality Primarily a spiritual issue – Proverbs 1:5-7; 2:2-7 The fear of God causes a man to want to see things as they are Having God as your rock will allow you to face hard realities about yourself
True Understanding Is Hard It requires spiritual commitment – Proverbs 12:15; 16:2,3 Common characteristic of the world is blindness – John 8:44, 45; Ephesians 4:17-19 Satan knows that lies corrupt the mind to the point you can no longer think!
CHOOSE REALITY OVER FEAR FEAR – a feeling of agitation & anxiety caused be the presence or imminence of danger We can tame our fears with open eyes & hearts to God’s will – Acts 18:9,10; 1 Peter 3:12-14 Seeing reality always a blessing when we serve God Who shows the path we should follow
FEAR CAN ENSLAVE US Hebrews 2:14,15 “through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage” Fear can feed on the unknown Most fear is founded upon ignorance How many of us struggle in fear over what might happen?
We Serve God, seek to do what God says, & choose not to fear any consequences of that choice! Mark 5:36 “Do not be afraid” John 14:27 “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid” Without God we can be pulled into the fears of others –John 12:42
CONSIDER SOME COMMON FEARS The Fear of facing your own sin. The Fear of what others think of us. The Fear of the future (choices, health, growing old…). The Fear of needed change (taking an opportunity).
Living In Fear Brings Torment Some seek “yes” men – Proverbs 28:1 End up doing foolish things Fear is creative – often it will bring you to the very thing you fear – John 11:48-50; Matthew 25:24,25 Fear causes you to hide & run from things you should face
“No passion so effectually robs the mind of all its powers of acting and reasoning as fear.” Edmund Burke
OVERCOME FEAR WITH FAITH 1 John 4:18,19 “love casts out fear” Trusting God will allow you to see your own shortcomings There is no need to hide from the one who will forgive and help you heal Seek to build around you strong men of faith who will help you Bring our your fear and face them in the light of God’s promises
Consider Jacob and Esau Genesis 32:6-13 “Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed” “for I fear him, lest he come and attack me and the mother with the children” Where is your fear holding you back?
STOP PLAYING THE BLAME GAME “an attempt to look away from our responsibilities by focusing on the others faults (real or imagined).” By intimidation & anger one can shut the mouth of those who see our wrong Some people are not be rebuked- Proverbs 26:4,5; Matthew 7:6
Need a Clear Understanding of Why Things Happen Wisdom comes from seeing both the good and bad of our actions – Proverbs 9:8-10 In dysfunctional families honest communication often punished We must let our faith in god overcome our temptation to blame others
How do you handle criticism? Are you tempted to interrupt another with accusations towards them, or are you willing to first listen and seek to know your own wrong? James 1:19 If you are casting off long held relationships in anger when corrected you should ask yourself some questions – 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 John 2:9-11
THE UGLY FRUITS OF SHIFTING BLAME One of the most injurious games we can play We become unjust and unmerciful judges – James 2:13 It never makes relationships whole – it only breaks relationships Never unifies – it only divides Never builds – it only destroys Never solves problems – only complicates them
THREE AREAS IN WHICH WE MUST STOP PLAYING THE BLAME GAME 1. Stop blaming God – James 1:13 2. Stop blaming others 3. Stop blaming yourself – repent and find the forgiveness of God See the wrong your have done See what you can do (John 9:1-3) Always confess the wrong you have done (1 John 1:9)