Generator Operator Work Group (GOWG) Carla Holly, BP Wind Energy GOWG Chair Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Western Electricity Coordinating Council December 6th Meeting Meeting was focused on plan for 2019 year 2019 Projects Generator weatherization white paper Brainstormed for ideas and approach Sought volunteers White paper on how to coordinate modeling with WECC and TP as it relates to MOD standards Discussed interest PER-006 compliance guidance Discussed interest and next steps Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Upcoming February 12th Meeting Presentations on Generator Operator Training Avista BP Wind Other volunteers? PER-006 prep New NERC Standards Update (BAL-003, PRC-019, PRC-024) Winter Generation Preparation Report Where are we today? Next steps Modeling Whitepaper Focused on MOD-032 Western Electricity Coordinating Council
Meeting Schedule GOWG Meetings February 12, 2019 - Salt Lake City April 30, 2019 - Salt Lake City August 20, 2019 - Salt Lake City Likely to set another meeting in Fall – TBD *Will be other meetings for subgroups working on larger projects Western Electricity Coordinating Council