Agenda video Warm-Up Lesson 18 hw corrections Lesson 19 hw questions? Lesson 20: Triangles Exit card
Warm-up Gary takes 20 breathes per minute. How many breathes does he take in 4 1 2 minutes?
Lesson 18 hw corrections
Lesson 19 hw questions?
Lesson 20: triangles Classifying Triangles based on the relative lengths of their SIDES. Equilateral Triangles have three equal-length sides
Triangles classified by sides Isosceles Triangles have at least two equal-length sides
Triangles classified by sides Scalene Triangles have sides of different lengths.
Triangles classified by angles The measures of the three angles of a triangle total _______. Acute Triangles have three acute angles
Triangles classified by angles Right Triangles have one right angle.
Triangles classified by angles Obtuse Triangles have one obtuse angle.
Classify the triangles by angles and by sides
Find the missing angle measure
Find the area of each triangle
What to do now? Finish Exit Card and hand in to Mr. Cathers by dismissal Lesson 20 Homework: *A – H, #1 – 23 Odds *Due Friday