ACCORD Update Event Fiona McArdle Deputy R&D Director Wellcome Auditorium Queen’s Medical Research Institute 26th February 2019
Overview of ACCORD Joint Research Framework Agreement Key Functions NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Funding for Lothian Clinical Research Infrastructure in Lothian NRS Objectives & Performance Targets ACCORD Metrics
ACCORD The Academic & Clinical Central Office for Research & Development (ACCORD) is a joint office comprising clinical research management staff from NHS Lothian & the University of Edinburgh Joint Research Framework Agreement Established in 2006 to streamline R&D support for clinical researchers in Edinburgh & to facilitate high quality collaborative research ACCORD provides central access to professional advice, expert regulatory support & world class clinical research infrastructure
Key Functions R&D management approval Contracts and agreements Caldicott approval Research passport Intellectual Property QA and monitoring PPI Advice Research governance & GCP Sponsorship Grant applications & costings Advice & facilitation Regulatory submissions Pharmacovigilance
NHS Research Scotland (NRS) Funding 15% absolute funding reduction between 2014/15 & 2017/18
Clinical Research Infrastructure Edinburgh Clinical Research Facilities: WTCRF Education Programme: Edinburgh Imaging: Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit: Clinical Trials Pharmacists: Investigational Supplies Group, now part of the Health Technology Accelerator Facility (HTAF): Biorepository: Lothian Research Safe Haven: Patient & Public Involvement Advisor:
NRS Objectives & Performance Targets Increase or sustain activity: number of studies and subjects recruited Increase grant and commercial income Achieve target R&D permission times Work collaboratively with industry & other Scottish Health Boards
Number of studies undertaken by year
Recruitment by year