Mika Lodge 2-3 October, 2013 Ministry of Commerce Trade and Industry
Workshop Objectives A synopsis of Zambia’s perspective in the regional assessment of intellectual property and medicines legislation to determine their TRIPS compliance and adaptability; Identification of reliable and specialized legal advice resources both within and outside the SADC region and maintain a roster of legal experts who are able to offer technical assistance on TRIPS;
Workshop Objectives…. Collaboration with development partners to enable Countries to protect, include and take advantage of the flexibilities that exist in the TRIPS Agreement Foster assistance to Zambia as a regional member of SADC for trade negotiations to conclude agreements that are not detrimental to public health.
Brief Background of Evolution of IP in Zambia Promote innovation and creativity and emerging benefits Began preliminary work of reviewing IP laws around 2007 No national policy in place IP Policy approved in 2009 The whole IP spectrum included
Background… Review of IP laws Extensive domestic and international consultation TRIPS flexibilities taken account of In the drafting process now 2014 First Quarter parliamentary