Thursday, 13th March Kick-off meeting Brussels, VDAB


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Presentation transcript:

Thursday, 13th March Kick-off meeting Brussels, VDAB LLG for jobseekers Hungarian presentation Part 2 Guidance services within the Hungarian PES Office National de l’Emploi et des Affaires Sociales Thursday, 13th March Kick-off meeting Brussels, VDAB Tibor Bors Borbély ÁFSZ- FSZH advisor

..after the changes and before… -1944 … 1959- Before the WWII occupational examination in the 30’s After 1945/48 1024/1959 (VII.19.) Gov. d. 1027/1961 (XII.30.) Gov. d. 1029/1971 (VII. 3) Gov. d. 1971 National Career Orientation Council (Országos Pályaválasztási Tanácsot) and a national service for youth guidance and counselling

History of development World Bank sponsored development The very 1st Guidance service was set up in the early 90’s within the H-PES These services were: Job Club (Álláskersők Klubja) Club the placement → Canada (Emploi et Immigration Canada) BIZ Berufe Information Zentrum (Foglalkozási Információs Tanácsadó) Germany (BA), Sweden (AMS) training of employment counsellors at BA (college) level

Inventions & adaptations 1991-2000 First trained and skilled emp. counsellors called into duty in 1994 20 career information centres and 170 trained counsellors nationwide Approx. 500 career / occupational folders were developed 400 short career occupational films

After the Millennium Choices program ’96 and 2000 were adopted (CA) Real Game / Blueprint for Life/Work Designs (CA) National development „epalya” (PHARE) EuroGuidance Hungary /PLOTEUS I/ (NPK)

Recent developments after the accession Under the 1st Hungarian Development Plan, HR Development Program 2004-2008 200 new films 300 career / occupational folders Additional part on career opportunities were added (212 times) We employed 20 new empl. counsellors

Eg. Career industry operator – employment outlook

…and the near future New Hungary Development Plan 2007-2013/15 Social Renewal Operational Program Methodological Development of career guidance National Program First Phase 2008-2010 Deployed to the NESO 4 main parts are: Methodological Development on LLG Develop a new national service network Develop new tools Off-line and On-line

International cooperation ELGPN National LLG Council founded January 29th 2008 Partnership with ICCDPP IAVEG EuroGuidanceNetwork/EURES

Thank you for your kind attention!