Act 2 scene 1
Today’s What is the mood of this scene? What words create this mood? Goals Focus Questions Complete before you read activity Read aloud Act 2 scene 1 Imagine the setting Create an artistic representation of the scene Rationalize your choices using evidence from the text. Examine Titania’s Speech (most likely on WED/FRI…) What is the mood of this scene? What words create this mood? What would this scene look like? What is happening in Titania’s Monologue?
Goal 1: Complete before you read activity How would you feel if someone you liked suddenly stopped liking you? On a separate sheet of paper (or down on the bottom under the vocabulary preview) jot down some of the feelings and reactions you might have towards someone whom you felt had stopped liking you. Background: Doubling- Pay close attention to this in this act!
Using the artistic materials you have gathered and I have provided: Plan out what you see in your head Draw what you think the setting should look like. You can choose to do a traditional setting, or a more contemporary one If you do a contemporary, be sure to support your choice with evidence from the text Write a one page rational for your setting. Be sure to refer to specific lines in the play to explain how you created your setting. Goals 3-5: 3. Imagine the setting 4. Create an artistic representation of the scene 5. Rationalize your choices using evidence from the text.
Ideas: You will want to make sure your design is completed on the white paper. You can choose any style of stage you want.
Example: In my interpretation of the stage setting, the stage will be proscenium. This will allow character to come on/off stage freely, while audience members can peer in at the madness. There will be a moon (to indicate time) blue lighting, tree elements holding up various walkways to add visual interest vertically, and a fog machine. In the opening lines, a Fairy enters from one side and Robin Goodfellow from the other (Line 4). To provide some visual interests, the stage will have both high and low places. The fairy will be tired, come down from left, and rest against the middle tree. Robin Goodfellow will come in whistling from the top and notice the tired fairy below and begin his lines. When Titania and Oberon enter, the fairy hides under the structure. They enter from opposite sides. They will meet in the middle on the ground floor, as their anger has de- elevated them from being proper and royal fairies- they argument is silly (line 125) “And for her sake I will not part with him”, and so they need moments to be both elevated and simple. Robin hides behind one the poles during the argument like the fairy, but Oberon knows he’s there and addresses him once Titania leaves (line 148). This creates dramatic irony and tension. Etc…
Work on Mini project- designing the stage Work on packet Don’t worry about page 13- A fairy fight, act two scene 1 We will do this as a class tomorrow or Friday… depending on time Work on Mini project- designing the stage You can choose to do a top-down view or a side view (as if you’re in the audience) It hand be hand-drawn or computer drawn If you’re not the best drawer, you can label things. I’m not grading on artistic ability, but effort, and mostly on your reasoning behind your imagination (see rubric) Both due Monday, 18th