Who Are You And What Do You Want Mark 6:30-44
No Chance to Eat
No Chance to Rest Robert Murray M'Cheyne 1813-1843
Who Are These People? They race a boat around a lake They leave home without any food They sit on the ground in 50s and 100s They try to force Jesus to be king (John 6:15) They are all men
What Do They Want? A prophet to bless their endeavours? A Messiah to lead their armies? Whatever is ‘new’ and ‘happening’? Alexander the Great c. 50AD copy of a 330BC sculpture British Museum
Who Is This Man? The Great Shepherd of Israel Moses and Elisha renewed
What Does He Give? Teaching and food His life as a ransom They are fed twice His life as a ransom The Great Shepherd of Israel is also the Sacrificial Lamb
Who are You and What Do You Want? “They all ate and were satisfied” Whatever people think they need, they need a saviour Whatever the Church thinks it can provide, they need a saviour https://youtu.be/_Q_T5KU9QgY