HU-JRNL 1: Ethics Prof. Vaccaro Jobs, Resumes & Branding
Things to do in College SPJ compiled a list of things for student journalists to do before they graduate. Let’s take a look at that list to start… CLICK HERE
Take Advantage of Your Surroundings Before jobs come internships and before internships come on-campus experience; school paper, school websites, school magazine, school radio station, school TV. Get my drift? Many internships look for some previous experience. If you submit a resume with nothing compared to your competitor who has done all of the above … he or she wins. How do you get started? Knock on the door, say hello and be open to new things. Send an email. Make a phone call. Network. Do it all. Now is the time.
Think Outside-the-Box Freelance for outside publications or radio stations … you don’t need a previous internship, you need some clips (on-campus) or something substantial to show you can perform the task. Treat your classmates and peers as competitors … always try to be better off in your career and your experience then others you know. Always try to be the hardest worker you know. What can you do that others haven’t? What will someone say ‘wow’ about? Network at functions, meetings, cold call people, ask power position individuals for advice.
Apprehensions I’m nervous, I never wrote or did anything like this before. So what! That’s what college is for … test it out, see if you like it. How much is enough? Do I get involved with everything? It depends on your major and career goals. Everyone is different. Assess your goals and do what you think is necessary. Talk to a professor/advisor. I work, I commute, I take a full course load, how am I supposed to do more? Sacrifice is an important characteristic. Understand that need to work hard now to reap the benefits of landing a job later. Remember that there is always someone out there working harder.
Landing the Internship Prepare: Update your resume, edit your resume, let someone look it over, put it on plain white paper, do not be fancy. Write a cover letter specific to that internship, be to the point, not longwinded and overly creative. Target: Where do you want to apply? Proximity … to your home or your campus housing, where you live. But if you want to move, then open the search wider. None of them are guaranteed, so don’t take chances by applying to only a few. Apply: Four-month lead time … don’t wait until May for a summer internship. The beginning of the semester is a good rule of thumb. Interview: If you get called in, that’s a good thing. You need to look presentable, speak clearly, do not show any signs of nervousness and come prepared with understanding the company you might intern at shortly.
Internships done, graduation done, now what? Time to get a job … apply for everything and anything. With this job market, there are no guarantees. Use your connections and networks from four years of college. See if the place you interned at is hiring. How many jobs should I apply for? As much as it takes. 250-300 is not too much by the way. Remember there are A LOT of jobs out there and many things you may not have thought about before: social, mobile, video, branded (marketing) content, PR, web, etc.
Can’t Get Anything, Now What? Continue to stay active in the craft… freelance! For broadcast students, remember that PA jobs or low level part-time jobs are good to start with … you can work your way up fast, so don’t turn them down. Use Hofstra and its alumni network. Consider going to graduate school. If you want something bad enough, you’ll figure out a way to get a job. Do not let the market dictate your future, only you can affect the outcome of your life and career.
How Do You Market Yourself? You have a resume, cover letter, clips and ambition, but it’s not enough Create a Twitter feed that you can list on your resume. Show the employer you know social media … everyone uses it. Open a LinkedIn account Create a digital portfolio
Resume Do’s & Don’ts Must always be one and only one page Don’t lead with an “objectives” statement Don’t lead with your education/degrees Play up ALL communication/journalism related activities Break up into sections: journalism experience, miscellaneous, education, references Everything must be AP Style Always include at least 2-3 references
Thank You! Keep in touch I will be teaching “copy editing” in the spring I will always be available to help