8 Principles of Spiritual Leadership What Every Christian Leader Needs to Know
1. Get Quiet Get quiet so you can hear from God. Mark 6:30-32. Not everyone will hear from God. Look at the testimony of Jacob in Genesis 28:16.
2. Jesus’ Example Jesus is working around us all the time. John 5:19 Matthew 14:22-33 Mark 6:48 - Jesus is passing by!!! Look at the parable of Feeding 5000. What is interesting is what is not indicated in this parable.
3. Insensitivity Not everyone will understand that activity may be from God. 11 disciples thought they saw a ghost! Only Peter saw that it was Jesus. Remember the experience of Moses in the Old Testament?
4. Test To Make Sure Test to make sure that it is God doing the work. Peter asked for confirmation. The Lord is not a god of confusion.
5. Time to act? When you see God working, that is an invitation to join Him in that work. Blackaby calls this a crisis of belief. Imagine Peter’s interaction with the disciples! Notice that Peter didn’t ask the opinion of others about his experience with the Lord. What you do declares what you think about God.
God is always working somewhere else away from you. If you are to be obedient to Him, you must make adjustments to what you are doing in order to join Him.
6. All Will Not Understand When you are obedient to God, many around you will not understand your obedience. 11 disciples did not understand what Peter was doing.
7. Start Walking To join God in what He is doing, you have to get out of the boat. We have to be willing to get out of our comfort zones. If you stay in the safety of your boat, you don’t have to trust God. It is a faith issue. It is hard enough to get out of the boat. But when you have to get out in front of the church, it is even more difficult!
8. Obedience Results in Experience Once we are obedience and join the Lord in His activity, we experience Him in unique and wonderful ways that draw us closer to Him. Peter walked on water—at least for a short distance. Look in Mark 8:27-30. His confession of Christ is the result of his experience in Mark 6.
Our Experience 2 years ago, 2 very inactive associations Today 1/3 of churches attempting to double in 4 yrs Partnership with LCBA. An association in New York. Our missionaries in Brazil. Two churches already experienced 50% growth. Prime Rib coming soon.
Our Conclusion God is Passing By Our Association
Please Realize God is passing by your church. He is passing by your association. Where is He working? This is a key to the beginning of the VISION for your church and/or association. Without understanding where He is working, you are guessing how to lead.