St. Mary’s Primary Curriculum Rationale
Who Are We? St. Mary’s Primary is a Catholic school which serves the west end of Greenock and also part of the central area of the town. The school is a well-established local landmark. It was opened in 1909 as a secondary school and then refurbished in 1975 to create a primary school. We are currently in temporary accommodation as our school is undergoing a major refurbishment.
What Makes Us Unique? We have skilled, dedicated and hardworking staff. Our pupils are very keen to learn and have positive attitudes. Our parents provide excellent support to the school and to their children. We have very strong parish links with St. Mary’s Church. We care for those who are less fortunate than ourselves through regular charity events. We are well known and respected within our local community. Our Gospel values promote respect and tolerance for others.
Our Vision and Values We are committed to upholding and providing the moral teaching, faith, tradition and sacramental life of the Catholic Church. In our daily work, we live by the Gospel Values of: “Faith in God, Belief in Ourselves, Love for One Another and Hope for our Future” Agreed Core Values Respect Honesty Tolerance Faith
Our Aims In order to equip the children to achieve their full potential, we aim to: Provide a happy, safe and welcoming environment where each member of our school community feels valued and respected. Provide the highest quality learning experiences which support and enhance each child’s potential for success and life-long learning. Develop as a community of faith, through the promotion of Christian values, celebration and worship, and service to others.
What Do We Want For Our Children? To be confident and believe in themselves. To be included, happy and safe in school. To treat others with respect and tolerance. To receive the highest possible standard of education and achieve success in their learning. To develop the Gospel values, skills and attitudes to be responsible, employable citizens, who can contribute positively to society. To have a sense of pride in their local community, and an understanding of Scotland and its place in the world.
Our Priorities As a school community, we agreed the following priorities for our curriculum: Sharing our Catholic faith and Gospel values. Promoting ambition, high attainment and achievement for all pupils. Ensuring the health and wellbeing for all children. Developing transferable skills for lifelong learning and employability. Learning for sustainability - local and global citizenship. Developing a greater understanding of Scotland and its place in the world.
Promoting Gospel Values As a Catholic Primary School, we place a particular emphasis on developing our Christian faith and positive values. Through the support of parents and our parish community, we aim to develop a genuine love of God and a deep understanding of social justice in our children’s lives. This is achieved through the commitment of all within our school community to follow the principles of the Charter for Catholic Schools in Scotland and to adopt our agreed school values of respect, honesty, tolerance and faith. Our Catholic ethos is further strengthened through our teaching programmes, daily prayers, assemblies and church celebrations.
Examples of Activities to Promote Gospel Values Religious Education programme (see planners) Sacramental Preparation P1 Blessing School Masses and Religious Celebrations Participation in Christmas Concerts Development Groups School Values School Prayer (related to our School Values) Prayer Services God’s Loving Plan Catholic Education Week Class Altars Class Charters Positive Values promoted through Inter-disciplinary Learning topics e.g. empathy, social justice, fair trade Daily Prayers
Ambition, High Attainment and Achievement We work hard to create an ethos of achievement, which promotes high expectations among our pupils and enables them to become confident, independent and reflective learners. Our curriculum recognises that learning takes place in different contexts, both inside and outside of the classroom. We therefore seek the expertise of and work with a wide range of business partners in order to provide enjoyable, challenging and motivating learning experiences for our pupils. We realise that learning is a social activity and use teaching approaches which actively engage our pupils and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning.
Examples of Activities to Promote Ambition, High Attainment and Achievement Literacy and Numeracy pathways Inter-disciplinary Learning Topics – Research and Personal Study Celebrating Achievements in School through Assemblies, Twitter, Wall Displays etc Royal Bank of Scotland Money Sense Programme P6 Residential Trip After School Activities Outdoor Activities Collaborative and Cooperative Group Work Participation in Sporting Events Development Groups Cluster Science Roadshow Target Setting Learning Logs AiFL Strategies Group Leaders in Classes Reciprocal Teaching Activities World of Work Week Participation in Inverclyde Festival
Health and Wellbeing We believe that it is the responsibility of all adults within our school community to ensure that our children are happy, safe and well-supported. This is achieved through an ethos of positive relationships and mutual tolerance and respect for each other. Our curriculum provides many opportunities for our pupils to participate in activities which promote good health and safety choices e.g. sport and exercise, healthy eating, road safety, drug and alcohol awareness. This equips them to make informed decisions about their own emotional, social and physical wellbeing.
Examples of Activities to Promote Health and Wellbeing Health and Wellbeing programme (see planner) Anti-Bullying Topics (at the beginning of each session) Focus on the Rights of the Child Class/Bus/Playground Charters Development Groups Focus on Global Goals Circle Time Activities in Class Morning Check-ins RE Programme School Values and School Prayer Restorative Practices Seasons for Growth Group Social Skills Group After School and Lunch-time Clubs Worry Box in each Class Anti-racism/Anti-sectarianism Lessons Drug/Alcohol Awareness Lessons Online Safety Transition Programmes – Nursery/Primary/Secondary Heartstart for Senior Pupils God’s Loving Plan PATHS Programme Equalities Programme
Skills for Lifelong Learning/Employability In a changing world, it is extremely important for our children to have the necessary transferable knowledge, skills and attitudes to be able to make informed choices, both now and in the future. Our curriculum promotes activities which will develop confidence, leadership, communication and inter-personal skills. We also provide opportunities for pupils to participate in the wider life of the school and experience personal achievement through involvement in charity events, school concerts, outdoor learning and sporting/cultural events within our local area.
Example of Activities to promote Skills for Lifelong Learning/Employability Participation in Christmas Concerts Development Groups ICT Programme Peer and Self-assessment Employability Skills developed through IDL Lessons Dialogic Teaching Class Charters Learning Logs E-portfolios Anti-bullying/Anti-racism/Anti-bigotry Lessons Involvement in Sporting Events Participation in Inverclyde Festival Residential Trip for P6 Personal Research Topics Focus on Growth Mindset/Learning Attributes P6 Playleaders P7 Monitors Book Club Topic Showcases World of Work Week
Learning for Sustainability Our curriculum allows the children to explore a variety of ways to look after our planet and make the world a better place for everyone. For example, pupils learn about the global goals, children’s rights, fair trade and environmental issues, all of which help to promote their strong sense of social justice and responsible citizenship. All children in school are part of a Development Group and are encouraged to make a difference through positive action. Examples of this include local litter picks, fundraising events for our partner school in Malawi and leaflet drops about Fairtrade. This reminds the children that they have a voice and their contribution, no matter how small it may seem, helps to improve our world for them and others.
Examples of Activities to promote Learning for Sustainability Inter-disciplinary Learning Topics Class Charters Global Goals Children’s Rights Development Groups Partnership with Chikuli Primary Cluster Science Roadshow Science Programme (see planner) Topic Showcases Assemblies Pupil Council Fairtrade Tuckshop Ragbag Religious Education Programme (see planner) West College Scotland Science Lessons
Scotland and its place in the World There are many opportunities within our curriculum for our children to find out about their local environment, different parts of Scotland and other parts of the world. Greenock and the surrounding areas are of particular interest to our children and provide a wealth of learning opportunities, both from a historical and modern perspective. When studying other countries, links are made about the similarities and differences with our own country. This helps to break down cultural barriers and promote tolerance and respect for others.
Examples of Activities to promote Scotland and its place in the world Inter-disciplinary Learning Topics Focus on Global Goals Children’s Rights Development Groups (especially the Local Communities Group) Partnership with Chikuli Primary Outdoor Learning Trips Science Programme (see planner) Topic Showcases Assemblies Expressive Arts Lessons Participation in the Inverclyde Festival Celebrating St Andrew’s Day and Robert Burns Day in Classes P6 Residential Experience
Parental Engagement We recognise that parents/carers are the first and on-going educators of their children. They are always welcome in St Mary’s, and we continually provide opportunities for them to become involved in their own children’s learning, as well as in the wider life and work of the school. We believe that this partnership is essential if we want to ‘get it right’ for every child in our school.
Examples of Activities to promote Parental Engagement Parents’ Evenings Termly Targets and Report Cards Sacramental Preparation and Celebrations Parent Partnership Group World of work Week Cluster Science Roadshow Book Week Parent Questionnaires Topic Presentations Prayer Services Parent Helpers with School Trips Supporting Pupils with Homework Activities P1 Blessing P7 Leavers’ Mass P6 Enrolment for the Pope Francis Faith Award P1 Induction Programme Christmas Concerts