Rachel Pilling @15s30m Dan Wadsworth Please fill in your Joy Questionnaire on your tables before we begin Rachel Pilling @15s30m Dan Wadsworth
15 seconds 30 minutes: Our true purpose for being on earth What are we going to do today? Our true purpose for being on earth How we began Examples of 15s30m in action Ask you some questions Drink lots of tea! Learn what a 15s30m Mission is Leave with a Mission to launch in your workplace Tweet some pics of you with your Missions (if you’re happy to) Housekeeping? What, how, when & why
15 seconds 30 minutes: a social movement to reduce frustration and increase joy It encourages any staff member to spend an extra 15 seconds on a task now Which will save someone else 30 minutes later on To reduce frustration and increase joy at work What, how, when & why
Maddie’s Wash basket How it began
15 second challenge The effect x4 15s in one minutes X120 15s in 30 minutes X27 slow mouse clicks in 15s
15 second challenge How many 15s are there in a minute? How many in 30 minutes? How many key strokes or mouse clicks in 15 seconds? The effect x4 15s in one minutes X120 15s in 30 minutes X27 slow mouse clicks in 15s
Examples of Missions Mission 3; Plug it in https://youtu.be/tAq-oEKxrME Some Examples
Examples of Missions Some Examples
One thing, and its done! I used to stress about getting it all set up at the start of the day, now I look forward to arriving at work Its much easier now when we have new staff or agency staff to set up clinic The results We can tell which rooms have been cleaned down without knocking on all the doors
Why do you work here? In pairs 7 minutes each Why did you decide to work in healthcare? Why am I proud to work here? What matters to me at work is….. The most meaningful part of my work is….. I know I make a difference when….. A good day is when….. Some Examples
Why do you work here? Feedback, a couple of questions per pair Some Examples
Break, tea & a wee… Some Examples
Why isn’t everyday a good day? How could these frustrations turn into your Missions? Some Examples
What makes a good mission
The effect of your Mission… Urgent matters dealt with promptly Update email signature to include phone number Waiting time for switchboard reduced for other people Less time spent hanging on for switchboard Fewer issues on “to do” list Your Mission goes here Less time spent replying to emails Fewer emails waiting in inbox Colleague can contact you directly COG exercise, show some exmaples, getting here today…
Release your inner hero & launch your mission… Fill in your Mission Pack and share your idea via twitter! Hero Award if you make a change; Be a COG!
If you get stuck let us know, we’ll try help you Following your launch we’ll send out the joy questionnaire again to you and your colleagues Fill in your Mission Pack and share your idea via twitter! Hero Award if you make a change; Be a COG!
info@15s30m.co.uk @15s30m #15s30mMissions www.15s30m.co.uk Dan Wadsworth Transformation Manager @Danwod (co-founder of 15s30m) Rachel Pilling Consultant Ophthalmologist @miss_pilling (co-founder of 15s30m) info@15s30m.co.uk @15s30m #15s30mMissions www.15s30m.co.uk