Don’t panic!! Step by step guide to transitioning to Life long learning platform in Wessex
Everything is going to be OK! The transition to the Lifelong Learning Platform should be seen as an opportunity for spring cleaning your training portfolio Discard all those bits of stuff you stuck on the e-portfolio that you wish you hadn’t Review your training to date and revel in all the good things Allow the Lifelong Learning Platform to provide a succinct and structured review of past glories (and maybe “learning” opportunities)
Step 1 Agree date for transition with your training programme director They will be contacting trainees over the coming month
Step 2 Download your old e-Portfolio to a disc “en masse” and keep this somewhere very safe Downloading the old e-Portfolio will allow you to revisit it over the coming years It will take hours for the e-portfolio to download and will appear as a Zip Folder You will need to convert the Zip Folder to an open folder then…. It will appear exactly as it does now, but you will not be able to add anything new. You will, however, continue to be able to download PDFs from it for as long as you still have it stored safely You will need to provide confirmation to your TPD that you have successfully downloaded you e-portfolio and have it stored safely and securely.
Step 2….. How to Download your old e-portfolio Once logged on to your e-Portfolio click on “View Portfolio” or “Diary” On the Right hand side of screen this will appear Click on Download Portfolio Button and follow instructions
Step 3 Log on to “Lifelong Learning Platform”
Step 4 Update your personal details section
Step 5 Update your Current Placement
Step 6 Up loading stuff……. The TPDs/Deanery will specify the essential information to upload when you set yourself up the Lifelong Learning Platform The best way to do this will be via the “Personal Activity” section of the Lifelong Learning Platform
Personal Activity
Lots of choices of activities….
Completed CUT form If you are in the middle of a stage of training…. Download PDF of the completed CUT form from your e-Portfolio Create a “Personal Activity” on LifeLong Learning Platform Select “Other” as category Title: eg “Regional Anaesthesia at Intermediate Level” Upload the PDF and link to appropriate part of the curriculum Having linked the PDF to Unit of training when reviewed in the Curriculum section the ability to create a CUT form on the new LLP will now be possible. If you now create a CUT form and send it to your ES or CT they will now be able to sign the CUT form on the new system, having been able to review the PDF from your old e-Portfolio.
Other stuff to upload As per directions from the TPDs upload relevant/required information into appropriate category within the “Personal activity” section
Suggested documents to move over from old system to new Exam status & number of attempts Logbook summary to date Multisource Feedback(s) – probably beneficial to up load all previous MSFs Summary of QI/Audit project subject/title with dates and completeness ESSR forms WPBAs for incomplete CUTs - below Complete CUT forms - see below Previous gateway forms (IAC, IACOA, ILTC)
Links to guidance videos for all parts of new LLP can be found on RCOA website