Warm Up List as many things as you can that you think you know about Ancient Greece!
Minoans and Mycenaeans Ancient Greece Minoans and Mycenaeans
Key Terms Minoans Knossos Minotaur Labyrinth Mycenaeans
Greek Geography Mountainous peninsula juts out into Mediterranean Sea About 2,000 islands in Aegean and Ionian Seas East shore of Aegean Sea also part of Ancient Greece
The Sea Most Greek cities were less than 85 miles from coastline Aegean, Ionian, and Black Seas were important trade routes Sea travel linked Greece to itself and other societies Important due to lack of natural resources
The Land Mountains cover ¾ of the land Mountains divided land into regions, effecting political life Land travel was difficult Stony land ¼ of land suitable for farming Very little fresh water
The Climate Moderate temperatures all year long Average temps of 48 in winter and 80 in summer Ancient Greeks enjoyed outdoor life Outdoor public events
Minoans Seafaring people who controlled trade in the Mediterranean Sea from about 2000 to 1400 B.C. Lived on the island of Crete in the Aegean Sea Knossos was capital city of Minoa At one time led by King Minos
Warm up What geographical features could be used to explain why civilization developed in Greece? Explain.
Minotaur Legend says King Minos had a half-man, half-bull monster Kept in Labyrinth, a complicated maze which is difficult to escape Minotaur Storytelling Minotaur Video
Minoan Artifacts Painted walls shows information about Minoans Made pottery Graceful, athletic people who loved nature and beautiful objects Enjoyed boxing, wrestling, and bull leaping
Minoan Religion Mostly goddesses, with some gods, ruled by Mother Earth Priestesses in charge of some shrines, with male assistants Sacrificed bulls and other animals to their gods Evidence shows possible human sacrifices
Mysterious End of Minoans Unknown Theory is earthquakes and tidal waves destroyed many cities Minoa couldn’t recover Other civilizations took over the weakened Minoans
Mycenaeans Located in Southern Greece, on a steep, rocky ridge Protected by a thick protective wall that could withstand almost any attack Led by warrior-kings who ruled surrounding farms and villages 1600 to 1100 B.C.
Mycenaeans and Minoans Came in contact either through trade or war Mycenaeans learned value of seaborn trade Traders soon traveled by sea to trade throughout eastern Mediterranean Sea
Mycenaeans and Minoans Adapted Minoan writing system to Greek language Decorated vases with Minoan designs Minoans influenced Mycenaean culture in regards to religon, art, politics, and literature
Fall of the Mycenaeans Some believe the Trojan War weakened many cities under Mycenaean control Helen of Troy-Trojan War video Many cities taken and destroyed by Dorians, leading to “Dark Years” of Ancient Greece