Automatic Panoramic Image Stitching using Invariant Features Matthew Brown and David G. Lowe
Panoramic Image Stitching Direct Feature based 平面,柱面, 球面,其他曲面
Model Establish Assuming that the camera rotates about its optical centre, We parameterise each camera by a rotation vector and focal length .
Image Matching At this stage the objective is to find all matching (i.e.overlapping) images. Robust Homography Estimation using RANSAC Probabilistic Model for Image Match Verification
Bundle Adjustment Given a set of geometrically consistent matches between the images, we use bundle adjustment to solve for all of the camera parameters jointly. This is an essential step as concatenation of pairwise homographies would cause accumulated errors and disregard multiple constraints between images, e.g., that the ends of a panorama should join up.
Automatic Panorama Straightening Gain Compensation Multi-Band Blending