Compliance Agreement for English Language Learners 2000 - 2001
Responsibilities of the Local District Communicate procedures clearly. Support and advise parent rights regarding program selection. Maintain student program placement records with the aim to eliminate mixed-model or mixed waiver-immersion classes.
Responsibilities of the Local District (Waivers) Establish a system to process and review waiver applications at each school. Arrange for parents, whose school does not offer a waiver program, to: observe waiver classrooms, within the district. select a school where a waiver program is offered. Log all waiver denials, provide written explanations for denial, and inform of the District appeal process. Collect data regarding model selection and waiver applications.
Maintain a schedule for reviewing local district schools Identify and resolve compliance issues yearly: Sufficient numbers of differentiated classes Staffing (ELL Authorization) Parent notification (Test Results, Program) Appropriate materials and instruction Monitoring access and progress in the core curriculum (ELD, language arts, math ) Interventions as needed.
Responsibilities of Local District (Final Page) Schedule training and regular meetings for ELL program coordinators Document training, meetings, workshops, school reviews, and other activities Prepare informal and formal compliance reports Respond to requests for information. Provide staff development and technical assistance in: Administration and scoring of assessment instruments. Student program placement. Methodologies for ELD, L1 and SDAIE.
LAUSD Central Office Responsibilities Coordinate monitoring schedule Provide information and materials for monitoring model and program selections. outreach materials for parents of ELL students guidelines and materials regarding compliance. tactical support to local district staff . Analyze compliance data, and prepare informal and formal reports for the Superintendents