Warm Up – March 1 Take out a post it and your notes from yesterday listing the six different propaganda techniques
Advertising a Candidate Endorsement an act of giving one's public approval or support to someone or something. Canvassing going around an area trying to persuade people to vote for that person or party. Propaganda information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view. Image Molding Controlling the public perception of a candidate
Unit 3: Political parties and elections Gerrymandering
Article – NC Has the Worst Gerrymandering in History Download the article on my website under today’s date and answer the following questions on the same post it as the warm up: 1. What did a three panel federal court rule about the redistricting work of the NC General Assembly? 2. According to the court, what was the drawing of the federal congressional districts designed to do? 3. What has the U.S. Supreme Court said about gerrymandering? 4. What did Republican David Lewis state as his reason for how he determined voting districts? 5. What other voting law in NC has been described as the “most aggressive electoral repression effort seen in the United States in a half century.”
TOD – March 1 Answer the following questions on the same post-it as the warm up: Describe the fours ways of advertising a candidate What is gerrymandering?