Sharing Technologies for Cloud Computing Wen-Pinn Fang 2019/5/6
Outline Sharing technologies Cloud computing QRCode Visual Sharing Examples Discussion 2019/5/6
Sharing technologies Sharing is a method to dispatch information safety It has Fault-tolerance property 2019/5/6
Sharing technologies 2019/5/6
Sharing technologies 2019/5/6
Sharing technologies 2019/5/6
Sharing technologies 2019/5/6
Sharing technologies Secret image Sharing Visual sharing Polynomial type Visual sharing Visual cryptography Random grid Probability method 2019/5/6
Secret image sharing polynomial type (3,4) 2019/5/6
Secret image sharing 22 18 22 18 66 f(x)=a0+a1x+a2x2 22+22x3+18x32 154 f(x)=a0+a1x+a2x2 22+22x3+18x32 22+22x2+18x22 22+22x1+18x12 250 2019/5/6
Secret image sharing 22 18 22 18 66 66=a0+a1+a2 154=a0+a12+a222 250 2019/5/6
Secret Image Sharing The security has been proven by Thien and Lin 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing User can see the secret by just stack shares 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing A pixel in secret image Corresponding block in Share 1 Resulting block from stacking the two shares 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing transparency1 transparency2 (2B2W) White block black block (4B) (2B2W) The result of stacking 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing Extension: Gray level image Color image Progressing recovery 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing 2019/5/6
Visual Sharing Fast decoding (O(1)) Low resolution 2019/5/6
Cloud computing 2019/5/6
Cloud computing 2019/5/6
Cloud computing Cloud computing is the delivery of computing as a service rather than a product, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices as a utility (like the electricity grid) over a network (typically the Internet). 2019/5/6
Cloud computing SaaS : Software as a Service PaaS: Platform as a Service IaaS: Infrastructure as a Service 2019/5/6 24
Cloud computing New Generation Computing, 28(2010)137-146 2019/5/6
Cloud computing 2019/5/6
Cloud computing What Who On-demand access to any application End-user (does not care about hw or sw) Platform for building and delivering web applications Developer (no managing of the underlying hw & sw layers) Delivery of a raw computer infrastructure System Administrator (complete management of the computer infrastructure) Software as a Service Platform as a Service Infrastructure as a Service Physical Infrastructure 2019/5/6
QRCode 2019/5/6
QRCode 2019/5/6
QRCode A QR code (Quick Response code) is a type of matrix barcode first designed for the automotive industry. fast readability and comparatively large storage capacity. 2019/5/6
QRCode Version 1, 21×21, 10-25 alphanumeric chars Version 2, 25×25, Version 10, 57x57, 174-395 alphanumeric chars Version 40, 177x177, 1,852-4,296 alphanumeric chars 2019/5/6
QRCode 2019/5/6
QRCode 2019/5/6
QRCode 2019/5/6
Example 2019/5/6
Examples Distribute image database Offline verification for QRCode 2019/5/6
Examples- Distribute image database 2019/5/6
Example Based on secret image sharing, it is possible to realize. 2019/5/6
Example -Offline verification for QRCode 2019/5/6
Example-1 2019/5/6
Example- Propose method Encoding phase Input: QR Code Image I which size is W×H Output: 2 transparencies T1 and T2 M(6,2,2)={(0,0,1,1),(1,1,0,0),(1,0,1,0),(0,1,0,1),(1,0,0,1),(0,1,1,0)} For x=1 To W For y=1 to H If Finder Pattern or alignment pattern then I(x,y)=Skip End if End for For x=1 To W/2 For y=1 to H/2 index=random select a integer from 1 to 6 If I(x,y)=black then For i=1 to 2 For j=1 to 2 T1(x+i,y+j)=M(index,i,j) T2(x+i,y+j)=M(index/2×2+index mod 2,i,j) 2019/5/6
Example -Propose method Else For i=1 to 2 For j=1 to 2 T1(x+i,y+j)=M(index,i,j) T2(x+i,y+j)=M(index,i,j) End for End if End For Draw Finder pattern and alignment pattern 2019/5/6
Example 2019/5/6
Example 2019/5/6
Example 2019/5/6
Example 2019/5/6
Discussion It is very important to keep security in cloud computing application. It is possible to use cloud computing service by QRCode. 2019/5/6
Thank you 2019/5/6