Ch 13: Food Ch. 14: Water Use Ch. 15: Minerals Ch 21: Water Pollution Ch. 22: Waste Management 1pt 1 pt 1 pt 1pt 1 pt 2 pt 2 pt 2pt 2pt 2 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 3 pt 4 pt 4 pt 4pt 4 pt 4pt 5pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt 5 pt
A type of agriculture that requires large amounts of fossil fuels, pesticides, fertilizers and water
What is industrialized
Alternating rows of crops with trees is known as
What is agroforestry
Two ways that agriculture can harm land
What is soil erosion and salinization
The ideal pesticide would
What is would kill only the targeted pest
Integrated pest management includes 3 approaches
What is biological, chemical and ecological approaches
Percentage of Earth’s water available for human use
What is .02%
Throughout the world, most water is used for
What is irrigation
Saltwater intrustion, subsidence and aquifer depletion are all effects of the overuse of ______ water
What is ground
It is most economical and environmentally sound to focus water management efforts on
What is using water more efficiently
Porous, saturated layers of underground rock are known as
What are aquifers
Which disturbs more land, surface or subsurface mining?
What is surface
The time it takes to use up 80% of a mineral reserve at current use rates is known as
What is depletion time
The major detrimental effect of acid mine drainage is
What is contamination of groundwater
Mining a high-grade ore would cause more/ less environmental damage than mining a low-grade ore
What is less
Mining can lead to these environmental effects
What is collapse of land, acid mine drainage, emissions of toxic chemicals, spoils heaps
Coliform bacteria can be used to indicate
What is water quality
Organic wastes cause the dissolved oxygen content to
What is decrease
A class of pollutants that can lead to excessive growth of algae
What is inorganic plant nutrients (nitrates and phosphates)
Oxygen sag curves occur when
What is oxygen demanding wastes are added to water
Lakes/rivers are more susceptible to water pollution
What are lakes
The law that was put in place in response to the Love Canal incident
What is Superfund
The US, with 5% of the world’s population produces ____ of the world’s trash
What is 1/3
Trash produced by households and businesses accounts for _% of the US trash production
What is 2 %
In a low-waste approach, this approach would be given the least priority
What is burying trash
This law set EPA standards for waste management programs
What is Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976