with C.S. Kim and Seungwon Baek PLB 664,84 (2008) Jeon, Jong Hun (Yonsei University) with C.S. Kim and Seungwon Baek 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Outline 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Finally, we have recently observed direct CPV in B system B factories have produced a lot of interesting results, particularly in measuring indirect CPV in the B system sin2β=0.6750.026 from ΨKS data (HFAG) indicating that B physics is entering a precision era Finally, we have recently observed direct CPV in B system ( ACP( Bd →π+K-)=-0.0980.012 (HFAG)) Most branching ratios of charmless B P P and P V are currently measured with errors about 10% ∼ 20% (mostly based upon 100M B anti-B pairs) 5% ∼ 10% errors on amplitudes One hopes to have <5% errors on the amplitudes of most modes more precise information on α and γ (<10±) 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Bs Mixing Experimental result Lattice QCD result 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
BRs Experimental results PQCD results 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Direct CP Asymmetries Experimental results PQCD results 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Mixing-induced CP Asymmetries Experimental results PQCD results 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
FCNCs in SM T P 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Leptophobic Z’ Model Extra neutral U(1) gauge boson, Z’ - has been considered one of the extensions of the SM - motivated by String-inspired GUTs (J.L.Hewett, T.G.Rizzo, M.Cvetic, P.Langacker, etc) Dynamical symmetry breaking models (G.Buchalla, G.Burdman, etc) Extra dimension models (M.Masip, A.Pomarol) Little higgs models (N.Arkani-Hamed, A.G.Cohen, T.Han, etc) Leptophobic Z’ - does not couple to SM leptons - introduced to explain the Rb-Rc puzzle at LEP and anomalous high-ET jet cross section at CDF - by introducing the superstring inspired models, i.e., E6 or Flipped SU(5) 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
comes from heterotic superstring ( ) was the natural anomaly free choice for a GUT group after SO(10) could have several intermediate mass breaking scales Maximal breakings of E6 : If we consider the following breaking chain U(1)’ can be a linear combination of 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
directly SU(5) → SM : SU(5) (Geogri-Glashow) SU(5)XU(1)χ → SM : Flipped SU(5) (S.M.Barr,1982) Flipped SU(5) is a different breaking pattern of SO(10) Leptophobic Z’ does not couple to multiplet(f) and singlet(lc) 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
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Conventional Hierarchy in B→Kπ Large Small 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
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Summary 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Back up 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
Beauty in the B Meson The beauty of B mesons lies in its large mass or the mass hierarchy: In the heavy quark limit, mQ 1, we discover: Flavor symmetry: dynamics unchanged under heavy flavor exchange (b c), corrections incorporated in powers of 1/mb–1/mc; Spin symmetry: dynamics unchanged under heavy quark spin flips, corrections incorporated in powers of 1/mb. B mesons provide an ideal system for studying heavy-to-heavy transitions. Much progress has been made in understanding heavy-to-light transitions in recent years: Perturbative approach: naïve factorization, generalized factorization, QCD-improved factorization, pQCD, and SCET; Nonperturbative approach: flavor SU(3) symmetry. 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
OPE (Operator Product Expansion ) Rev.Mod.Phys.68,1125(1996) 2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon
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2009-02-04 KISTI_Z prime_ JHJeon