[Instructions to the Offering of Letters event organizer or presenter: This PowerPoint presentation is one of several tools in the Offering of Letters toolkit provided to help you introduce the 2019 Offering of Letters campaign to your church, campus, or group. Use this presentation to support the way YOU want to present Bread for the World’s Offering of Letters. Feel free to add or remove slides as you like. Also, remember Bread is here to help. As you plan your Offering of Letters, feel free to reach out to your regional organizer for additional tips, updates on legislation relating to the campaign, and support. You can also email organizing@bread.org. Talking points for the presentation are provided in the notes section with each slide—suggestions for what to say while that slide is projected on the screen are in bold. Instructions to you, which should not be read aloud, are in brackets in the notes section. Note that slides 2 through 4 are an optional introduction to Bread for the World and the grassroots advocacy it does. If the participants in your forum already know about Bread or you have limited time, you can skip the next three slides and go directly to slide 5 to discuss the Offering of Letters. Be sure to review this PowerPoint file—both the slides and the notes—before delivering your presentation. Rehearse your spoken part, using the notes with each slide, as necessary. You may want to print out the slides and notes (an option in the print menu of PowerPoint) so you have a document to refer to as only the slide content (and not the notes) will be shown to your audience during the PowerPoint presentation. You might also want to review and print copies of one or more of Bread’s fact sheets on nutrition in different regions of the world (Africa, Latin America, and Southern Asia and the Pacific, respectively). The fact sheets can be found on our website in the toolkit section (www.bread.org/get-offering-letters-toolkit) under “Facts about Hunger, Poverty, and Nutrition.” * * * BEGINNING OF TALKING POINTS FOR FIRST SLIDE * * *] Welcome to this discussion of Bread for the World’s 2019 Offering of Letters, which focuses on urging Congress to pass legislation that will accelerate progress on global nutrition. [Option 1: Go on to slide 2 to speak about Bread for the World and the important grassroots advocacy work it does on hunger issues.] [Option 2: Skip to slide 5 to speak about Bread for the World’s campaign in 2019.] (Option 3: If you have the equipment, show short video of Rev. David Beckmann introducing the Offering of Letters. You can find the video on our youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoWoDORA8n8&t=1s
What is Bread for the World? Bread for the World is a collective Christian voice urging our nation’s decision makers to end hunger at home and abroad. By changing policies, programs, and conditions that allow hunger and poverty to persist, we provide help and opportunity far beyond the communities in which we live. [This is a good opportunity for you to briefly tell how you became involved with Bread for the World and why as a volunteer you contribute your time and talent to its advocacy work. You can also ask for a show of hands of people who are Bread members or who have participated in advocacy with Bread. Depending on your audience’s familiarity with Bread for the World and your time for this presentation, you may want to show the video “We are Bread for the World” (7-minute version at www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ly4ToTXFDXY&feature=relmfu or 1-minute version at www.youtube.com/watch?v=jnUrUSkXymU&list=PL00FF3CE756DB716A&index=1&feature=plpp_video.]
Bread for the World is ecumenical bipartisan a justice leader an advocacy organization with years of experience and success a way to maximize personal letters and emails Today we want to take action as part of Bread for the World’s mission to end hunger. Every year, Bread identifies one aspect of hunger that people across the nation will write letters about. The goal is to flood the offices of our elected officials in Washington, D.C., with letters and emails on that single issue so that they know that we as Christians and as their constituents care about issues that affect people living in poverty and hunger. Bread is committed to being ecumenical and bipartisan – no specific denomination or political party has the monopoly on speaking about issues of hunger and poverty.
Our work makes a difference! [Before you deliver this presentation, look at our recent successes outlined on our website in the toolkit section (www.bread.org/get-offering-letters-toolkit) under “Victories from Recent Offerings of Letters.” Which ones would you like to lift up during your presentation? Would domestic or international issues speak best to your audience? Choose an example or two to illustrate how letters as part of Bread’s Offering of Letters campaigns have made a difference in the past.]
We’ve made great progress against hunger… Global hunger and poverty rates have been cut nearly in half during the past 30 years. In countries such as Ghana, Honduras, and Nepal, stunting has been reduced by nearly one-third in approximately 10 years. Over the past several decades, the world—with a strong commitment from the United States—has made great progress toward ending hunger by promoting global nutrition programs. This progress is truly remarkable!
…but we still have work to do. Today, nearly 821 million people in the world—11 percent of the world’s population—remain hungry. One in 4 children are affected by stunting, resulting in irreversible life consequences. Countries in Central America, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa are disproportionately affected. Almost half of all child deaths worldwide are linked to malnutrition. Stunting means an individual’s development has been hindered and diminished, often leading to lifelong physical and cognitive impairment. Stunting occurs when a child suffers from malnutrition, especially in the first 1,000 days from the beginning of a woman’s pregnancy to the child’s second birthday. During this critical time in a child’s development, even short bouts of malnutrition can have deleterious and often irreversible consequences.
Better Nutrition, Better Tomorrow “For I know the plans I have for you” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” —Jeremiah 29:11 [Read Jeremiah 29:11 and consider God’s word of encouragement and hope for God’s oppressed people and God’s plan for a bright future for them. Better nutrition today will lead to a better tomorrow—a hopeful future of flourishing for all God’s children.] As people of faith, we are called to care for one another and speak out for those in need. Bread for the World’s 2019 Offering of Letters: Better Nutrition, Better Tomorrow urges our government to accelerate progress toward ending hunger by increasing funding and support for global child nutrition programs. We have the tools to move toward our goal of ending hunger. Good nutrition during the 1,000-day period from the beginning of a woman’s pregnancy to her child’s second birthday is critical to a child’s health and future well-being. It’s time to scale up what we know works: improved access to nutritious foods, vitamins and minerals, clean water and sanitation, promotion of breastfeeding, and treatment for severe malnutrition. Good nutrition in early childhood saves lives and ensures that all children have a strong start, improving their health and earning potential later in life.
Our Goals: Urge Congress to support a global initiative to accelerate progress on nutrition Urge Congress to protect and increase funding for global nutrition Urge Congress to support a global initiative to accelerate progress on nutrition Congress should pass legislation to establish a new, scaled-up approach to global nutrition. Passage of a bill or resolution will strengthen U.S. commitment to global child nutrition and will lead other countries to join us in the global effort to end hunger. 2. Urge Congress to protect and increase funding for global nutrition. Congress should increase funding for global nutrition programs. At the same time, our government—through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) in particular—should strengthen its capacity to address malnutrition.
Key Components of a Letter to Congress Make it personal. Describe what motivated you to write. Make your request clear. Include your address in the letter. [Your Offering of Letters materials contain a sample letter, including addresses for your members of Congress (page 10 in the bound part). For up-to-date sample letters or more background information, contact your regional organizer or visit Bread’s Offering of Letters website at www.bread.org/ol.]
Dear Congress: I ask you to support legislation and increased funding to accelerate progress on global malnutrition. Almost half of all child deaths worldwide are linked to malnutrition. The children who survive remain at high risk of irreversible stunting, which affects their physical and cognitive development. For 151 million children under the age of 5, the majority in Central America, South Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa, stunting is a life sentence. We are making progress, but it is far too slow. Increased access to nutritious food and vitamins, supporting breastfeeding, and ensuring safe drinking water and sanitation will enable more children to grow and reach their full potential. My faith calls me to have compassion and stand alongside women and children around the world. I urge you to increase our nation's commitment and investment in efforts to advance global nutrition. Sincerely, [Your Name and Address] [Be sure to have the names and spellings of your area’s members of Congress on hand; you don’t want people not to participate simply because they’re not sure to whom they should write.]
Get Involved! Become a Bread member Join/start a local Bread Team Visit your member of Congress Become a Bread Covenant Church Visit bread.org/join [After you write your letters, discuss ways to do more in advocacy through Bread for the World to maximize your impact. A great way to keep up to date on the issues moving through Congress that impact hunger is to subscribe to Fresh Bread. (bread.org/freshbread). This email newsletter updates Bread for the World activists on hunger-related happenings in Congress, including updates on global nutrition. The newsletter is produced weekly when Congress is in session.
Thank You! www.bread.org/OL [After the letter writing, thank those who helped to organize it and those who participated. If you had a small number of people writing letters, assure them that for most members of Congress it takes only about 10 letters for the office to notice the topic and assign a legislative aide to research it and form an opinion. Finally, don’t forget to report your Offering of Letters to Bread for the World — the paper report form and the link to the online report form are available at bread.org/evaluation] Thank you for speaking to Congress about why ending hunger is important to you!