Agenda Voice Lesson: Syntax #2 (respond on the handout) – 10 minutes Articles for Outliers – You all each had a number (1-4) that corresponded with an article. Find a group that is comprised of someone representing 1-4 so that all articles are represented. Share your findings with the group. – 20 minutes Jigsaw Assignment for Outliers, Chapter 5
Reminders Outliers Reading Schedule – Keep up with it! Upcoming Chaps. 3-5 group quiz tomorrow – I will explain Upcoming Vocab Unit 10 starts tomorrow Rhetorical Analysis #1 – HARD COPY Rough Draft due TOMORROW! It is worth 5 points towards the Rhetorical Essay Grade when you submit one next week.
Article Jigsaw Groups Article #1: Sorry Strivers, Talent Matters Article #2: 10,000 Hours Make Not Make a Master After All Article #3: Complexity and the 10,000 Hour Rule Article #4: Malcolm Got Us Wrong
With your assigned article, complete the following and prepare to share: 3 – Delineate THREE ways the author uses rhetorical appeals (ethos, pathos, logos) and if you can, identify rhetorical device(s) – use your charts 2 – Identify TWO ways that the author(s) either agree or disagree with Gladwell’s argument 1 – Determine the author’s point of view/argument and write it in ONE sentence.
Outliers, Chapter 5 (Groups)