Government, Governance, & Public Administration Sub-title Government, Governance, & Public Administration
Government Refers to the organization or the agency thru which the will of the state is formulated, expressed, and implemented. Composed of different Political Institutions, laws, customs thru which the function of governing is carried out in a specific political unit. It is governed by the Rule of Law, the Constitution.
Governance The act or process of governing. It is the office, the power, or function of governing', controlling, or directing influence and authority in a state. State should pursue Peace & Order, a sound Foreign Policy, promote Justice, Equality, Equity, Socio-Economic Development, & attainment of National Aspirations.
Public Administration Concerns of bureaucratic processes, government institutions, institutional framework of the government, and the behavior of individuals within the bureaucracy. Covers the interdependence of the Legislative, Executive, & the Judiciary. Administration refers to collective of individuals in whose responsibilty are the reins of government entrusted.
Objectives Public Ad is an end in itself: it carries out the official policy of the government It revolves around the concept of Public Services. The state of Public Administration/Public Service determines the acceptance and survival of an administration.
Philippine Bureaucracy Bureaucracy: the administrative bodies of government composed with different departments, agencies, commissions, & other governmental institutions. PH Bureaucracy has a negative connotation: corrupt, inefficient, full of red tapes.
Observations on PH Bureaucracy Vulnerable to Nepotism Prevalence of the Compadrazgo or Bata-bata system Apathy towards public reaction on bureaucratic misconduct Lacks transparency Lacks independence from politics
Public Office It is the right, authority, & duty created and conferred by the law to a person who is invested with the functions & responsibilities of government for the benefit of the people. Such a person is called a Public Servant. Public Office is, & should be a Public Trust for the common good of the people and not for personal gain or profit of a single person, clan,or class of people.
Major Agencies concerned Civil Service Commission Agencies of Check-and-Balance: Ombudsman: protectors of the people against graft & corruption of public officials & other government officials Sandiganbayan: agency concerned primarily with plunder, and graft & corruption.
Impeachment Art. 11 Sec. 2: the Pres., V.Pres., Members of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Commissions, Justices of the Sandiganbayan and the Ombudsman may be removed from office on impeachment for, and conviction of, culpable violation of the constitution, treason, bribery, graft & corruption, and other high crimes, or betrayal of public trusts.
Impeachment The extrajudicial process of removing from office for betrayal of public trust. The Congress shall have the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment. The Senate shall have the sole power to try & decide all cases of impeachement.
Political Behavior & Political Participation Described as the ability & response of citizens to take part in political institutions & political processes Political Efficacy: the effectiveness of citizens' participation in political processes like elections.
7 Modes of Individual Political Participation Apathetic Inactives: no participatory activity, not even voting Passive Supporters: the 'love my country' folks who just vote, attend national events, etc. Contact Specialists: contact govt officials on particular problems Communicators: keeps information on politics, present in discussions, etc.,
Party & Campaign Workers: works for political parties, serves as candidates or coordinators for the party Community Activists: groups/individuals who work on local & localized problems Militant Groups/Protesters: join in public demonstrations, protest vigorously if govt does something morally wrong, refuse to obey laws, & resorts to use force whenever necessary