The Three Crosses April 13, 2008 The Three Crosses April 13, 2008
Introduction Is 53:12 Mk. 15:27-28 Lk. 23:33 April 13, 2008
I. The Cross Of Rebellion Lk 23:39 One dying in his sins He died scoffing at Jesus “If thou be the Christ” Even the shadow of death did not humble him Ps. 14:1 April 13, 2008
I. The Cross Of Rebellion This is like the unbelief we find in the world today Jn. 1:11 Jesus died to get the attention of rebellious men! Acts 4:12 Jn. 8:32 April 13, 2008
II. Cross Of Repentance Lk. 23:40-43 Dying to sin Looking to Jesus he does not revile but shows reverence His statement shows genuine repentance Lk. 13:3 April 13, 2008
II. Cross Of Repentance Admitted his guilt 1 Jn. 1:8-10 He believed Jesus was suffering wrongfully We see his open confession Acts 8:37 April 13, 2008
II. Cross Of Repentance Jesus’ response was “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise” Lk. 16:22 April 13, 2008
II. Cross Of Repentance The first thief saw Jesus as a: Man Someone to mock Sinner The second thief saw Jesus as : Lord King of Kings Savior April 13, 2008
III. The Cross Of Redemption & Reconciliation Is. 59:12 Dying for sins Crucifixion was a horrible way to die He died in our place-for you & me Heb. 2:9 2 Cor. 5:21 1 Pet. 2:21-24 April 13, 2008
III. The Cross Of Redemption & Reconciliation He freely gave himself 1 Pet. 3:18 His death shows the great love of God to save helpless sinners Rom. 5:8-9 April 13, 2008
III. The Cross Of Redemption & Reconciliation Only the blood of Christ could atone for sins 1 Pet. 1:18-19 Jn. 1:14, 29 April 13, 2008
Conclusion Which of the two thieves represents us! Will we die in sin and be lost or die to sin and be saved? 2 Cor. 6:2 April 13, 2008