Diomedeidae Albatrosses
Natural History 22 species and 17 are threatened: threats include invasive bird species taking over nesting colonies, commercial fishing areas taking over feeding sites, eating trash Genus Diomedea has the largest wingspan of any extant bird (over 11 feet) Range in the Southern Ocean and North Pacific (They do not reside in the North Atlantic but fossil remains show they once did) Mate for life-elaborate courtship rituals Colonial birds-nest on remote islands Have one egg, both parents take turns taking care of it, can fly 1,000 miles to feed chick Can live to 50 years Eat squid, fish, fish eggs, floating carrion
Characteristics Major synapomorphy: Strong, thick bill and the upper mandible forms a hook. The bill is made up of bony plates, and two tubes run along each side of the bill. This gives them an acute sense of smell that they use to locate food. They have 3 anterior toes that are webbed, no hind toes. As much as they fly, they actually walk really well on land. Long wing span/weak flight muscles One species contains a high concentration of rhodopsin, which is a light sensitive pigment that helps elevate nocturnal vision, enabling them to spot squid at night
Adaptations for Flying Rarely flap their wings Travel overseas by two ways: dynamic soaring and slope soaring Travel clockwise or counterclockwise Shoulder lock: Albatross have a sheet of tendon that locks the wing when it is fully extended and eliminates muscle expenditure. This maximizes flying abilities without expending energy. Their heart rate while flying is almost the exact same as their basal heartbeat. This ultimately reduces energy expenditure. The only time they are using any energy is taking off, landing and hunting.
Fringillidae Songbirds
Natural History Finches, Euphonias, Allies Gatherers and seed- eaters Global distribution and abundant Migratory and flock- follow seed crops Sexual dimorphism: males are bright and females dull Chunky little birds with strong legs-hop on the ground, cannot walk Females build the nests, lay 3-5 eggs, can produce several clutches per breeding season Swift flight, multiple flaps of wings followed by a short glide with wings tucked in
Characteristics Short, stout conical bill Have a special groove on the inside of their beak where seeds are lodged while they are breaking it open Each species has a distinct bill Strong skull Large jaw muscles Specialized crop
Sources https://animaldiversity.org/accounts/Fringillidae/classification/ https://www.britannica.com/animal/Fringillidae https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/browse/taxonomy/Fringillidae http://www.oiseaux-birds.com/page-family-fringillidae.html https://www.allaboutbirds.org/guide/American_Goldfinch/id?gclid=EAIaIQobChMI4c- E9vzW3gIVXbXACh2I6wiLEAAYASAAEgIvPvD_BwE https://www.nationalgeographic.com/animals/birds/group/albatrosses/ http://www.montereybayaquarium.org/animals-and-exhibits/animal-guide/birds/laysan- albatross?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIq8KT-q3V3gIVCrXACh1MWwKkEAAYASAAEgKQ6vD_BwE https://www.birdlife.org/worldwide/news/list-albatross-species http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Albatross http://blog.cincinnatizoo.org/2014/01/28/why-are-there-spots-in-these-birds-mouths/