LCAP Update Board of Education April 15,
Tell the Story When identifying needs, goals, and related outcomes, it is important to think about what matters and why. In other words, the LCAP tells the story of what students in the LEA need, how the LEA can focus on a few essential goals, and what will be different and/or improved for students over time when significant progress is made to meet these goals. Good stories have clear plot points (e.g., goals), including compelling characters (e.g., students and the adults who support them), and have a clear beginning, middle, and end (e.g., progression of outcomes for students using clearly identified metrics). WestEd State Board of Education 2
Goal Outcome Services LCAP 5 3
LCAP Section 1: Stakeholder Engagement Describe in the LCAP the process used to engage the community, including meeting requirements of statute, in developing the LCAP Describe how this engagement contributed to the development of the LCAP LEAs must still describe goals and actions around the state priorities of parent involvement and pupil engagement which must be detailed in sections 2 and 3 4
LCAP Input Opportunities Forums Students Parents Community Members District Website Employees Committee meetings were held: – Committee Meeting March 12 and April 8, 2014 – EL Committee Meeting March 13, and April 9, 2014 Future Committee meetings will be held – Committee Meeting April 22, 2014 – EL Committee Meeting April 23, 2014
Previously Funded State Categorical Programs and Services to Continue Bilingual Paraeducators ELA Support – Early intervention programs – Assessments – Core Replacement Math support – Math intervention programs – Assessments – Core Replacement AVID GATE cluster classes CTE/ROP REMS Professional Development Integration of Technology Shared at March 11, 2014 Board Study Session
Proposed New Programs and Services Year One Student Support Pilot Project Custodial Maintenance Crew Summer School New Math instructional materials SBAC implementation Library Media Assistants District Assessment Team School Safety 7
Proposed New Programs and Services (continued) Parent Engagement and Education Community Liaisons Behavior intervention program Special Education Services Delivery Model Teacher Recruitment Technology Integration into teaching and learning Technology Refresh Plan 8
LCAP Section 2: Goals and Progress Indicators Set goals (annual and long term) around state and local priorities Identify metrics for measuring progress towards goals Review past progress and adjust if necessary LEAs must create goals for all school sites and subgroups identified in Education Code Section 52052, but may group and describe these goals together as appropriate 9
LCAP Committee Recommendations LCAP and EL Committee recommendations are listed in the LCAP Working Document