In The Name Of The Lord Do All Colossians 3:17 In The Name Of The Lord Do All
In The Name Of The Lord Do All Colossians 3:17 In The Name Of The Lord Do All Preeminence of Christ Theme – Col. 1:18
“The Name Of The Lord” The glorious name behind the supernatural miraculous works of the apostles (Acts 3:6, 4:9-10)
“The Name Of The Lord” The glorious name behind the supernatural miraculous works of the apostles (Acts 3:6, 4:9-10) Receiving one based upon the ground of Christ’s authority (Matt. 18:5)
“The Name Of The Lord” The glorious name behind the supernatural miraculous works of the apostles (Acts 3:6, 4:9-10) Receiving one based upon the ground of Christ’s authority (Matt. 18:5) Being baptized based upon the name or authority of the Lord and into the authority of the Lord (Acts 2:38, 4:10-11, Phil. 2:8-9, Acts 19:5)
“The Name Of The Lord” The glorious name behind the supernatural miraculous works of the apostles (Acts 3:6, 4:9-10) Receiving one based upon the ground of Christ’s authority (Matt. 18:5) Being baptized based upon the name or authority of the Lord and into the authority of the Lord (Acts 2:38, 4:10-11, Phil. 2:8-9, Acts 19:5) Disciplining unruly members in a local church (Matthew 18:15-20, I Cor. 5:4)
Doing Something in the name of the Lord is not saying that something is connected with the Lord; but having first his authority behind what we say and do. (Acts 19:13-15, Matt. 7:21-23)
Appealing to the Lord - Exaltation
Appealing to the Lord - Exaltation As our example for forgiveness (Col. 3:13, Lk. 17:3, 23:34, Acts 2:36-38)
Appealing to the Lord - Exaltation As our example for forgiveness (Col. 3:13, Lk. 17:3, 23:34, Acts 2:36-38) As our source for knowledge and wisdom – His word (Col. 3:16, Col. 2:3)
Appealing to the Lord - Exaltation As our example for forgiveness (Col. 3:13, Lk. 17:3, 23:34, Acts 2:36-38) As our source for knowledge and wisdom – His word (Col. 3:16, Col. 2:3) As our guide in our relationships (Col. 3:18-4:1)
Appealing to the Lord - Exaltation As our example for forgiveness (Col. 3:13, Lk. 17:3, 23:34, Acts 2:36-38) As our source for knowledge and wisdom – His word (Col. 3:16, Col. 2:3) As our guide in our relationships (Col. 3:18-4:1) WE THANK YOU GOD! - The Lord’s peace rules our hearts, His authority rules our lives! (Col. 3:17, Col. 3:15, Eph. 5:20-21,I Jn. 5:3)