Bgr. 21648.48 21645.85 nLASER/ cm-1 21647.45.


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Presentation transcript:

Bgr. 21648.48 21645.85 nLASER/ cm-1 21647.45

21729.06 21745.56 21737.05 nLASER/ cm-1

21745.56 21737.05 21729.06 Cl+/HCl+ 21643.0 bgr. in 21650 system pnt 050607, heima../ hfrempi_mass040607-ak050607.pxp; HF-mass-050607.ppt Mass spectra smoothed once 21745.56 21737.05 21729.06 Cl+/HCl+ 21643.0 bgr. in 21650 system pnt

21643.0 bgr. in 21650 system 21745.56 21737.05 nLASER/ cm-1 21729.06 pnt

Resonance signals in the 21645-21650 cm-1 region are due to “middle mass peak” / “mass 33” (see slides 1-3) Resonance signals in the 21720-21750 cm-1 region seem to depend on both “masses 33” and “mass 34” (i.e middle and right peak)!!!! (see figs 4-6) and the mass peak ratio (32:33:34) differ from that observed in the 21645-21650 cm-1 region (see figs. 5 and 6)