Holland Park Primary School Year Ahead Meeting Year 5
The purpose of the meeting: To introduce you to the team of staff in Year 5. To provide information about the school and a typical school day. To provide specific information about Year 5. To provide parents with an opportunity to ask questions.
5L – Mr Lake 5C – Miss Campbell T.A. Miss Badham T.A.: Miss Box The Year 5 Team: 5L – Mr Lake 5C – Miss Campbell T.A. Miss Badham T.A.: Miss Box Phase Leader: Mrs Rushford Head of Upper KS2
The school day: Children arrive at 8:40am. A member of staff is on the playground from 8:30am for you to pass on any small messages to the class teacher. KS2 break at 11:00am - children are strongly encouraged to bring in a healthy snack.
Examples of healthy snacks:
The school day (cont): Lunch break is from 12:15pm to 1:15pm. The school day ends at 3:05pm. If on those rare occasions you may be running late, at 3:15pm your child is taken to a supervised classroom where they can wait in more comfort. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, such as in the case of play dates, we ask that you inform the school office or send in a brief note with your child as we will only release children to their parents/carers unless notified differently. If you want you child to be allowed to walk home on their own (or with a school friend) we would ask you to confirm this in writing to your class teacher) Equipment – please note that pencil cases are not permitted within school as Holland Park provide all writing equipment required.
Curriculum for this year: See Long Term Plan (available on the school website) Links to websites –Links on our school website for Times Tables Rock Stars / Espresso / BBC Bitesize / The National Curriculum (2014) Apps for tablets: https://keystagefun.co.uk/ - squeeble spelling etc https://www.theschoolrun.com/best-times-tables-apps - Website with info about best timestable apps for kids.
Topics for this year: “Animaltastic” – Animal project “Earth, Wind and Fire” – Earth and space, ancient Greece “From Farm to Fork” – Properties and changes of materials, local history, human geography “Forceful Events” – Forces, physical geography “Life As We Know it…” – reproduction (animal, plant and human), early civilizations “Menacing Monarchs” – The Tudors and Stewarts (Battle of Bosworth to the execution of Charles I)
Behaviour at Holland Park http://www.hollandparkprimary.org.uk/parents/policies/
Our Partnership with parents and communication: We ask that you... Talk to your child about their learning. Read daily with your child. Attend meetings – such as - year ahead meetings, parent open afternoons/evenings and meet the teacher transition events. Communicate with the school about any issues Keep your contact details up to date with the school office. Keep an eye on the school website for newsletters. And we will: Make sure we are available for a quick chat after school if you want an instant update. Make appointments for more detailed discussions.
Year 5 Home Learning: Daily reading Weekly spellings 2 - 4 times a week practise multiplication and division facts. Other home learning activities matched to classroom learning set by teachers.
Other things to cover: Medication: Please remember that prescription medication only will be administered in school. If your child needs medication during the school day you will need to complete a Medication Form available from the School office. If your child needs antibiotics for a short time they can also be administered once the Medication Form is completed and your child is well enough for school. If you have any questions please contact Mrs Tilbury in the Medical Room.
PE days and Jewellery Policy: Outdoor PE – Wednesday Indoor PE – Thursday (After October half term Friday) No jewellery/watches are to be worn during a PE lesson. Please avoid wearing earrings on PE days or provide children with a box to keep their earrings in. It is the responsibility of the children to take out and look after their own earrings. Children with long hair need to make sure that it is tied back with a soft hairband during P.E. sessions.
Your child should have a PE kit in school every day. A change of socks for PE is also advisable. Child’s name: …………………………………………………………………. Your child needs the following items for their PE kit: Purple outdoor kit is preferable but if you are unable to find them your child can wear dark jogging bottoms and jumper from home. Your child should have a PE kit in school every day. Boys Kit Girls Kit If for any reason, your child is unable to take part in PE lessons, we would appreciate a note explaining why. PE Shorts or Skorts Jumper White T-Shirt Jogging bottoms Plimsolls Trainers
Thank you for coming Any questions…..?