Zambia Meteorological Department NATIONAL PRESENTATION ON AUTOMATION by : M. Mutau Engineering & ICT unit-ZMD RA-I WIGOS Workshop on Automatic Weather Stations (AWS) networks strengthening and modernizing observation systems in Africa (Windhoek, Namibia,19-21/11/2018)
ZMD current AWS network Distribution. MANUAL STATIONS = 41 (Synoptic=37,Agromet=4) AWS = 68(2 Vendors) EXPERIENCES/LESSONS LEANED Increased the station density Requires regular Service and Maintenance -sustainability require good & consistent investment
ISSUES/CHALLENGES & NEEDS VANDALISM (Solar panels, Sensors, etc.) Different brands causing integration problems therefore each has its infrastructure for serving data. Not able to generate and send WMO coded messages i. e. SYNOP No WMO station numbers- for 2 manual & AWSs Data from manual stations in some cases not the same with AWS data i.e. rainfall data for a particular day, January 2015,1st decade totals for Serenje (a station with Manual & AWS) – Manual=165.3mm, AWS server= 147.0mm, AWS server Europe=182.4mm
Needs Creation of a core back-borne of AWSs with high quality sensors in selected locations which can generate WMO messages. A robust database which can assimilate AWS data and enable product generation
EXPERIENCE WITH AVAILABLE DOCUMENTATION & EXPECTATIONS Enabled availability of 15minute data which can aid trend analysis depending with user requirements EXPECTATIONS WMOs role in ensuring quality of AWS data since Africa seem to depend on donors who may dictate type & location. Learn experiences on positive/sustainable approaches to automation (what does it mean? increase our network density or close? Any country outside Africa without a manual station if none then the term redefined & specific?)