Zonta International Foundation 2010 - 2012
ZI and ZIF
2010 – 2012 Foundation Fundraising Goal Total contributions, 1 June 2010 - 31 March 2012 are US$3,792,812. This compares to US$3,516,546 contributed in March 2010; an increase of $276,266. March represents 92% of the Biennium, and current contributions are at 100.93% of goal. This compares to 78% for March 2010; an increase of 22.93%. So far, 952 of 1,203 active* clubs (79.14%) have given, and 3,829 of 30,550 active* members (12.5%) have given
How is District 4 doing? Total contributions for 2010 – 2012 $114,719.48 Total contributions for 2008 – 2010 $126,368.52 Individual members have donated $16,315.00 Amelia Earhart $16,261.37 Jane M Klausman $5,646.05 YWPA (Young Women in Public Affairs) $5,851.42 International Service Projects $39,948.37 ZISVAW $21,464.92 Rose Fund $25,547.35 We are 18th out of 31 districts in donations Amelia Earhart – top 10 160 individuals have donated
How do we achieve our goal?
Zonta International Programs funded through Zonta International Foundation
International Service Program US$1,500,000
Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV and Gender-Based Violence in Rwanda
Elimination of Obstetric Fistula and the Reduction of Maternal and Newborn Mortality and Morbidity in Liberia
Safe Cities for Women Project in Guatemala City, Guatemala and San Salvador, El Salvador
ZISVAW Zonta International Strategies to End Violence Against Women
Comprehensive Strategy to End Burns Violence against Women in Cambodia, Nepal and Uganda
Security and Empowerment for Women and their Families: Ensuring a Gender-Responsive, Humanitarian and Early Recovery Response in Haiti
Amelia Earhart Fellowship Program
Jane M. Klausman Women in Business Scholarship Program
Young Women in Public Affairs Award
The Rose Fund program support fund
Ways to Give