Mineral Springs Elementary School Parent/ Teacher Compact Parent/Family/School Compact The Parent/Family-School Compact is an agreement that parents, students, and teachers develop together. It explains how parents and teachers will work together to make sure all our students reach the State’s grade level standards. Our compact also describes how parents, the school and students will share the responsibility to improve the student’s academic. Building a Partnership Throughout the year, Mineral Springs Elementary will host PTA/Curriculum Nights with a focus on Reading, Math, Science and Social Studies. These events will be held at 6:00 pm on: 10/16/18, 12/18/18, 03/12/19, 04/30/19 Our Newsletter is sent home every Tuesday with important dates and other information. Home visits as needed from our Parent Involvement. Parent-teacher conferences Curriculum nights Take home Tuesday folder Phone calls and Emails Mineral Springs Elementary School 2018-2019 Jointly Developed Parents, students and staff of Mineral Springs Elementary developed this Parent/Family-School Compact. Teachers suggested home learning strategies. Parents added ideas to make these strategies more specific/detailed and students told us what will help them learn. Meetings are held each year to review the compact and make changes based on student’s needs, if necessary. Parents are welcome to contribute comments at any time throughout the school year. Please contact our Title Parent Involvement Coordinator, Lucy Gordon at 336-703-6788 or email leparedesdegordon@wsfcs.k12.nc.us if you have any questions/concerns. Mineral Springs is identified as a Title I school as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), is a federally funded program that provides financial assistance to local education agencies (LEAs) and school. The purpose of the Title I program is to help at-risk students meet the state's challenging academic content and performance standards. Mineral Springs qualify for Title I funds based on economic needs. The Title I program offers a variety of services for participating schools, which may include: additional teachers and support staff, extra time for instruction, a variety of teaching methods and materials, smaller classes, and additional training for staff and support in different activities related to Title I. Communication about Student Learning Frequent, consistent and specific communication with parents is essential to achieve our students’ academic success. Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on: 10/30/18, 01/22/19 and 03/29/19. Progress Reports are sent to parents three times each quarter. Volunteer opportunities will be offered throughout the year. Please contact Mackenzie Howard or Lucy Gordon at 336-703-6788 Teacher’s websites provide updates on classroom learning. Go to www.wsfcs.k12.nc.u and select our school Parent/ Teacher Compact Dr. Debra Gladstone, Principal 4527 Ogburn Ave. W-S, NC 27104 336-703-6788 Mineral Springs’ Curriculum We use Imagine it for ELA K-5. We use Envisions and Investigations for K-5 math. We also have Ready books for reading and Math 3-5. To assess we use TRC and Dibels for reading K-3 and NC Check ins for reading and math 3-5. We also meet weekly to look at data by grade and use this info to adjust instruction. We also use iReady for reading and math instruction and assessment K5.
Student Responsibilities Student Achievement Goals Student Responsibilities The district continuously collects and reviews multiple sources of data to support the selection of goal areas and to monitoring progress towards the goals. Some of the data include: student attendance data, teacher and staff attendance data, student achievement data, teacher and principal years of experience, student and parent/family surveys, and discipline data. District Goals: Goal Area #1: Close achievement gaps between subgroups Goal Area #2: Increase growth, proficiency, and progress for all students across all subject areas. Goal Area #3: Increase graduation rate School Goals: Raise literacy/math proficiency for grades k-5 by 10 % points. Continue to grow parent involvement in order to strengthen the home school connection resulting in increased student achievement. Decrease office referrals using PBIS strategies Teacher/School Responsibilities Second grade teachers will work with families to help students achieve success in Reading and Math by: Homework that will consist of math, a reading fluency passage and a social studies/science component. Communication with parents by the following methods: “Dojo and Remind App” through text messages. Safe learning environment Behavior updates as needed . Provide a book to read at-home First grade teachers will work with families to help students achieve success in Reading and Math by: Homework that will consist of math, a reading fluency passage and a social studies/science component. Communication with parents by the following methods: “Dojo and Remind App” through text messages. Provide a safe learning environment Behavior updates as needed in the planner. Provide a book to read at-home Practice my reading fluency every night for at least 20 min. Practice my sight words and math facts every night. Communicate with my teacher and ask for help if I need it Make sure I bring home my homework, my agenda, and give my parents any information given by my teacher. Learn and follow PBIS expectations and classroom rules daily. Ask questions when I don't understand. Talk to my parents about what I am reading in class. Parent Responsibilities Parents/Family can support students’ success by: Providing support for my child by using flash cards that consist of math facts and sight words to strengthen their comprehension. Providing support for my child with reading fluency practice and fluency log completion every night for at least 20 minutes. Make sure my child is in their classroom by 8:20 Attend school meetings and activities (calendar of events is in our school website). Send notes for all absences and tardiest the day my student returns to school. Provide accurate and updated addresses, phone numbers and email address Parent Responsibilities Parents/Family can support students’ success by: Providing support for my child by using flash cards that consist of math facts and sight words to strengthen their comprehension. Providing support for my child with reading fluency practice and fluency log completion every night for at least 20 minutes. Make sure my student is in their classroom by 8:45 Attend school meetings and activities ( calendar of events is in our school website). Send notes for all absences and tardiest the day my student returns to school. Provide accurate and updated addresses, phone numbers and email address.