ADASS Spring Seminar 2015 The future of health and care: perspectives from the different organisations David Pearson Immediate Past President of the Association of the Directors of Adult Social Services Corporate Director, Adult Social Care, Health and Public Protection Nottinghamshire County Council
The Current Picture Better Care Fund, Integration Pioneers, Integrated Personal Commissioning, Vanguards Evolutionary approach Incentivising change Greatest focus on keeping older people out of hospital Money to integrate and to support social care Political and policy debate often seen through the NHS lens
Future Thinking From political parties Common call for further integration Increasing integration of budgets Some local determination of the focus, organisational form A hope that it will save money Debate about the right models quickly moves to organisational form
Distinctive, Valued & Personal Advocates elements of model, funding, governance and levers Social care can deliver joined up person centred care “Two leaky buckets” – we need to fund £8bn in health and £4.3bn in social care Four key elements of design in any local system Focus on quality and workforce Local accountability and Health and Wellbeing Boards
Success Coalesce around a vision for the benefit of local people Be clear about outcomes and for whom Align funding, structures and levers Geography matters Co-producing change with local people National role to be clear about national performance, outcomes and incentives
Success (cont’d) How do we ensure a balanced local offer in an integrated environment? Advice and information Supportive relationships and resilient communities Prevention Personalised approaches including personal budgets Other Care Act responsibilities
The Money Plan in the round It doesn’t save the money required Social care transparency Protected and aligned money Following the activity Transformation costs Better Care Fund?
Commissioning and Governance Single commissioner or single oversight? CCGs with others Developing Health and Wellbeing Boards Provider involvement Shared outcomes framework
Summary Clear momentum to integration Purpose and form still to be finalised Local application National clarity re funding and must do’s Collecting the evidence – supporting the joint work, e.g. Vanguards, Pioneers How else can we contribute to the national debate?
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