Atmosphere DRW due tomorrow Wednesday, May 01, 2019 Objective: YWBAT analyze the effects of human activities on Earth’s natural processes. Drill: Describe the first flower phenophase. Take out your budburst packet, a clipboard, and a pencil. Homework Atmosphere DRW due tomorrow
Answer Date the first flowers are fully open (stamens are visible) on at least 3 branches. When open, flowers on wind pollinated plants will release yellow pollen dust when touched.
Did you know…? The plantings of the cherry blossom trees originated as a gift in 1912 from the people of Japan to the United States as gesture of friendship and goodwill. Since then, the number of trees has expanded to approximately 3,750 trees of 16 varieties on National Park Service land.
Today’s Activities Drill Find the latitude and longitude of MMS Define ALL phenophases Walk and learn with your partner (Be sure to study the criteria) Budburst observation (Identify, measure, sketch, color) Phenophase quiz Conclusion
Closure Describe the first flower phenophase. Remember the qualifying criteria.
Conclusion Answer Date the first flowers are fully open (stamens are visible) on at least 3 branches. When open, flowers on wind pollinated plants will release yellow pollen dust when touched.