The History of Disney World By: Callie Larson
Your Goals: Learn about what happened in Walt Disney’s life leading up to the opening of Disney World Learn the reason Walt Disney created Walt Disney World Learn the components that make up Walt Disney World
Is this WebQuest for you? This webquest is meant for elementary and middle school children One person is assigned to their own webquest
Lesson Learned This WebQuest will teach you about what creative minds created Walt Disney World It will teach you about how one man turned his dream into a reality
Questions that should be answered What year was Walt Disney World created? Who helped Walt Disney put his plan into action? What attractions were featured at Walt Disney World when it first opened? How much money did it take to create Walt Disney World?
Sites to look at:
In order to get the best grade, you should have: Good visuals and graphics Up to date information on the topic A good evaluation and concentration on the topic assigned Fun!