What is the question? The answer is -2


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Presentation transcript:

What is the question? The answer is -2 LO To write your own questions when you are given the answer RAG Key Words: Demonstrate, Convince 3-May-19 The answer is -2 What is the question? Ask pupils to write a question on their mini whiteboards. Say that you will reward a point for the most interesting questions.

Class questions Collect and share the class questions.

Today’s Task In pairs you must come up with as many different questions as you can for each answer. You can use +, -, x, ÷, indices and roots. You should use positive and negative numbers in your calculations. If you want to you can create a drawing which demonstrates why your calculation has that answer. Explain the task to the pupils, as they are working in pairs it may help to give them A3 paper to record their questions and drawings.

Answers 3 5 7 -6 -2 -4 39 46 -21 -2.5 -3.7 -101 Explain to pupils that they can increase or decrease the level of challenge by selecting the answers that they work with.