Progress, ideas & plan (1) 1. HERD prototype arrived at IHEP on Monday Crosstalk measurement Check of saturation effect 2. Data analysis of HERD beam test Fitting instead of summing-up of pixels 3. Optimization of technical plan of HERD LYSO performances Purity, doping, thermal & mechanical Light output scheme of LYSO crystals 1) Multiple WLSF attached to one crystal 2) One WLSF + fiber splitter (outside CALO) Optimization of ICCD system New I.I. with novel MCP, which can provide wide dynamic range and also long life-time (high reliability) New CCD chip (independent). 1024*1024, 500 Hz, 90 dB. IsCMOS. SCMOS (independent) instead of CCD?
Progress, ideas & plan (2) 4. Consolidation of HERD payload configuration Design of STK payload (w.r.t. low energy γ science) Anti-coincidence Neutron detection Trigger strategy Info. exchange between payloads? Structural & thermal design Compact, modularized design To negotiate with GESSA about resources