f1/b Status Section Editors Owen Long (BaBar) Yoshi Sakai (Belle) Ikaros Bigi (Theory) 2011.11.20 KEK
General O.Long: too busy requested to step-down (GE is looking for successor) Thank him for initial structuring Urged by GE…. Most of Sec. writing: started in mid-Oct. Initial draft on svn (most of sections) Initial Draft by YS: ~minimal materials Need Ref. to theory & exp., std. labels, etc. Received comments from Adrian: trying to implementing
Initial draft OL,YS,IB YS AB/YS, C.Chen C.H.Cheng YS YS R.Itoh,YS,V.Poireau New SE J/yK* ang, D[Kspp]h0
Pedagogical description needed (GE) asked to Ikaros (did not work ?) Volunteer ? Belle 772M BB results: publication in progress (should be ready) Now available
Add Refs. (incl. conf. papers except ICHEP2000)
Documents will be ready
Belle D*D (Full + Partial rec.): T.Aushev [results hopefully ready in time]
DCP only (BaBar results only) D[Kspp] t-Dalitz Sec.14.6.7 (resolve discrete amb.)
A.Lazzaro : offered to edit (add materials, Table format) Belle w/ full data in progress, but not ready A.Lazzaro : offered to edit (add materials, Table format) more or less done (need to svn) will add KsKs mode
what happened? (used in HFAG But disappear?) Conf. paper (OK) Belle w/ full data in progress, but not ready
J/yK* ang.: Itoh-san accepted to write [next week] [No draft] All results are w/ small data set, But no plan of Update ? J/yK* ang.: Itoh-san accepted to write [next week] [No draft]
Offer Honor to new Sec. Editor Page estimation Approximate expected # pages needed for whole section: 24 - 40 p (Oct-2010, OL) Currently 15(-1) pages 18-25 pages ? [KsKs, J/yK* angl., Dh0 Dlz, summary, more detail, more Figures(?) ]
Appendix Figures