Year 2 Toucans & Flamingos Introductions Welcome Evening
Year 2 Staff Toucans~ Miss Scott Class Teacher Flamingos ~ Mrs Tatford Class Teacher Mrs Howard, Mrs Barber, Mrs Shaw, Mrs Horton Introductions
The first item in your pack is a weekly timetable The first item in your pack is a weekly timetable. It’s flexible; Gives you a head start when you ask the children “what did you do at school today?” You will see our Hall time (PE), Library day, ICT Suite time is marked on there. Regular carpet sessions throughout the day: whole class teaching and discussions/circle times. Other times are for independent, small group and one:one work Foundation subjects over the week, not every Monday! PPA Wednesday – Mrs Cartwright and Mrs Burnham. We try to be very relaxed and make it as fun and exciting as we can! Try to fit in lots of trip and visits outside of school. Mixed Robins and Owls. The topic for this term is ‘Ourselves’. Each term we will send you a new overview and timetable. Weekly Timetable & Autumn Term Overview Context for Learning: Earthlets
ICT Science Topic Handwriting RE PE – 2.20 – 3.20 MONDAY REGISTRATION ASSEMBLY 9:10 – 9:30 Maths Input 1 Teacher Focus Task PLAYTIME 10:30-10:45 Subject Input 1: Phonics LUNCHTIME Reading Workshop Spelling PE – 2.20 – 3.20 STORY TIME P L A Y T I M E TUESDAY Maths Input 2 Subject Input 2: Science WEDNESDAY Maths Input 3 Open the Book Assembly 10:00 am Subject Input 3: Topic THURSDAY PSHE 9-9.30 PE – 9.30-10.30 Maths Input 4 Times Table Test Number work Handwriting RE FRIDAY ICT Subject Input 4: Comprehension Teacher Focus Task - Music Golden Time DIRT Time
Reading Home Readers Every child is heard at least once a week Focussed reading session every afternoon Rotation of activities across the week including Group Reading, Group Writing, Story Telling, Individual Quiet Reading and Comprehension Home Readers Our aim is to sustain the children’s interest in reading It is important that children read everyday Return yellow Reading Record everyday and ensure the reading book is in their book bag so they can change it or continue reading it at school Short comments appreciated by you or your child Home school contact – any notes etc. We record how often home readers are changed and encourage independence in choosing a variety of books – bookmarks are used to record any reading done at home Our aim is… Individually – write in Yellow Reading Record book if read to an adult that day. Group reading (small groups of similar ability share the same book) encourages discussion and improves comprehension skills. The children support and encourage each other. Reading at home is all about sharing books and modelling how to read. Feel free to write in Yellow books. Structured colour levels but not a single scheme. Not all identical within a colour level. Don’t have to change everyday…read together one night, practise some words the next etc. We like the analogy of Slippers and high heels!
Library Once a week on a Wednesday Enjoy and discuss books at home In addition to home reader Take home a number game or talking story as an alternative Whole week to enjoy book. When finished send in throughout the week. Into library box. Deadline following Monday morning.
A challenge will be set half termly Learning at Home Generally, to be set and handed in every Friday Learning at Home sheet will be uploaded onto the Learning Platform plus any useful websites or resources Work will be displayed in the classroom and children given opportunity to share their work A challenge will be set half termly Given on Tuesdays. Practise everyday. Sound out when thinking of the words then reinforce letter names when writing. CVC words to start with. Introduce the idea of spellings homework. High achievement rate! Spellings are checked by a ‘secret spelling game’ the following Tuesday in a small focus group. We encourage participation and sounding out strategies, rather than marks out of 5. The words are revisited all the time so don’t worry if they don’t get them right every time!
Kits to be left at school PE days: Monday and Thursday No earrings or other jewellery (small purse) Long hair tied back, no hard head bands (spare hair bands) Shorts and T-shirt for indoor PE (e.g. dance, gymnastics) Spare socks, jumper, jogging bottoms and trainers for outdoor activities (e.g. Games and athletics) Please make sure earrings are removed. We do not keep spare kit at school. Outdoor and Adventurous Activities
Morning Break Whistle blown at 8:50am Children met by Class Teacher Any messages can be handed in as a note or written in the Home Reader book Playground door is closed at 9:00am, if arrive after this time sign in at the school office Break Playtime snack is provided (fruit or vegetable) but children are welcome to bring their own in a separate named container kept in classroom tray Named ‘sports-type’ water bottles. Water not juice please Juice cartons in lunch box only Mornings can be a bit hectic. If you need to speak to me please come and see me at the end of the day, or write a note in the yellow home readers…we read them everyday! Water bottle. Water filled during the day.
Home Time Children attending after school clubs or Beehive will be sent to these (lists provided) Class teacher walks children around to playground to meet parents / carers Going home with a friend? Please inform class teacher with a brief letter or note in Home Reader Mornings can be a bit hectic. If you need to speak to me please come and see me at the end of the day, or write a note in the yellow home readers…we read them everyday! Water bottle. Water filled during the day.
AUP Acceptable User Policy Children sign this at the start of each Key stage. Children are told about the importance of following the school guidelines with computers and why. Ensures safety of children when using ICT
Other Points Please name ALL clothes Money / Letters PE kit Uniform Coats Jumpers Money / Letters Clearly labelled envelope: Name Class Amount Purpose Don’t forget scarves and gloves as winter approaches!! And of course Lunch box and school bag!
Other Points School Bags Helpers Book bag ~ kept in a box in the classroom (contents emptied every morning) PE Bag ~ draw string type hung on pegs in corridor. Helpers If you are brave enough to help on a regular basis or as and when you can just let us know Listening to readers Resources preparation Displays Any other special talents?!
Thank you for coming to see us