Monday and Tuesday November 15th,16th -Please have your notebooks ready and sit with your group (row) Today We Will: (90 min period) 1. Go through your project packet.(10min) 2. Your group will decide who will do which assignment. (10 min) 3. Begin Investigating!! Remember, YOU are the Scientists!!
Check point at 30 minutes! You will have 30 minutes to research your topic and question. You should have 4-6 bullet points worth of notes by the check point. At this point your group will come back together to check in to see what information you all have gathered (5 min) You will then return to your research for another 30 minutes. The last 5 minutes we will clean up and fill out daily assignment logs.
Research and Investigation We cannot use laptops for two weeks because of misusage. There are articles and books for you to research through. Make sure wherever you take your notes from you are citing your sources.
Research and Investigation If you borrow an article: Please sign your name, date, period in the folder that article is in. Check your name off when you return the article. If you borrow a book: 1. Sign your name, date, period and the title of the book on the clip board before checking out. 2. When you return the book an adult must initial for you.