Delivering Cleaner Air for Scotland The Scottish Government Andrew Taylor The Scottish Government @EPScotland #EPSAQIAreview
Air Quality is an important issue for the Scottish Government which is reflected in recent initiatives such as the Cleaner Air for Scotland Strategy, the National Low Emission Framework and proposed LEZs and the recently revised LAQM procedures.
The recently published guidance document on air quality & planning by EPS & RTPI Scotland (2017) was one of the key deliverables of the CAFS Strategy This demonstrates the important role than planning has in delivering the air quality objectives of the Scottish Government
Cleaner Air for Scotland – The Road to a Healthier Future Scotland’s first distinct air quality strategy – launched November 2015 Sets a vision for Scotland to have the cleanest air in Europe Contains a wide range of actions designed to achieve this vision across a range of policy areas impacting on air quality
Cleaner Air for Scotland has six key policy objectives, all of which have a connection with planning:
Revised Scottish Government LAQM technical & policy guidance (2016) contains screening tools to assist local authorities in assessing planning applications Two sets of tools – one UK wide and additional one for Scottish LAs taking account of tighter objectives and different meteorology Impact on ambient air quality is likely to be especially important where: - the proposed development is inside or adjacent to an AQMA; - the development could result in designation of a new AQMA; and - the granting of planning permission would conflict with, or render unworkable, elements of a local authority’s air quality action plan or an LEZ
http://www. scottishairquality. co link to relevant pages in the LAQM TG 2016 re:checklist for LAs with an AQMA and/or and LEZ The new Planning System for Scotland is likely to rely less on supplementary guidance and issues such as air quality are expected to be integrated into LDPs and NDPs. It is therefore important that in areas where there is a known actual or potential issue with air quality that the LA considers this as part of the decision-making process
The role of the LA in identifying potential adverse impacts on air quality from proposed development via the planning process is one of the key ways in which CAFS will be delivered Given the need for joined-up working in reviewing planning applications it is essential that officers responsible for evaluating the ES for air quality have a good grasp of whether the AQIA report is adequate before submitting a view to the planning group – especially where there is an AQMA or a proposed LEZ The SG through publication of guidance documents and support for events such as this are hoping this provides LAs with the tools they need to deliver CAFS @EPScotland #EPSAQIAreview