TRAUMATIC INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT (TISM): WHAT IT IS Sudden, Unexpected, Short in duration Beyond the realm of normal daily activity
TRAUMATIC INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT (TISM): WHAT IT IS Normal reaction to an abnormal event Usual coping mechanisms are overloaded Intense reactions Emotional, physical, cognitive and behavioral Without intervention symptoms may impair functioning and negatively impact work performance
TRAUMATIC INCIDENT STRESS MANAGEMENT (TISM): WHAT IT ISN’T Psychotherapy An operational critique or any type of investigation Response to normal grief and loss
TISM PROGRAM OVERVIEW Assist employees/worksites impacted by a Traumatic Incident Partnership ESP/Departmental Coordinator Trained and Certified team of volunteer employees
HOW WE HELP Consultation Explore and assess the situation and need Identify potential participants Determine appropriate services Plan, arrange and provide services
INTERVENTION GOALS Reduce harmful effects of long term stress and accelerate recovery Validate and normalize stress reactions Teach appropriate coping strategies Identify individuals who may be at risk Return to normal (pre-incident) function
DEBRIEFING Group process Combines crisis intervention and education Participant specific-must be directly impacted Response time typically: 48-72 hours post incident Confidential and voluntary Phases
BENEFITS Accelerates the healing process Restores the workplace to productivity Employees feel valued and supported
WHO SHOULD PARTICIPATE Any employee, regardless of rank, who witnessed or responded to the traumatic event Those whose senses were assaulted ESP is available to help others who may not have been directly impacted but are experiencing difficulty
ESP HELP IS JUST A PHONE CALL AWAY ESP – Lansing 800-521-1377 or 517-373-7630 ESP – Detroit 800-872-5563 or 313-456-4020 UAW Local 6000 EAP Mike McWhirter – 1 800 243-1985